I'm Getting There



A few updates:

One - the fur butt is doing much better. No more puking, eating solids and drinking water normally again. Still on the prevacid for another week at least though.

As for nanowrimo > 46368 out of 50000 words. I'm 92.7% done! WOOT!! How are all my other writer-ites doing?

My bread maker is my new best appliance friend! I LERVE IT!

Hubby baked his infamous choco-mint chip cookies today and OMG I'm going to get fat if he keeps baking like that!

My neighbor and us are competing in bread making for the last two days. Whose bread is higher and bigger...I've never seen a pair of silly adults so happy to talk bread, eat bread, see bread and live bread! LOL

Hope all my American board-ites are having a happy T-giving weekend!!
