I'm ... Mad ... Exhausted ... A Mess.


New Member
I LOVED your shaving her head example. So, does a pump offer a chance for more compliance, or will she just sabotage that too? Will threat of getting a pump make her comply...or she knows she can just rip it out and not put the doses in etc. I dont know, just rambling......

We used the pump as a motivator to get her to manage her disease, as you have to know how to count carbs and administer insulin. Since she never chose to do that, ever, she is pump free. I am glad she doesn't have the pump, as her insulin would be connected to her body 24/7. She would be able to give herself insulin too easily and slyly.


New Member
That's what I was afraid of...then you would lose the little control you have unless there was a way to lock it.

I was in therapy many years ago for an eating disorder, as a young 20 something. There was a lady there who had terrible neuopathy from her diabetes. The reason she was so far along at a young age was becasue she used her insulin to lose weight. They said she was not the first in the eat. dis. program to have that kind of an eating disorder. While sleeping in the hospital, her feet got to close to the wall heater and she got severe burns and didn't feel it. so awful.