I'm Terrified.


A maze of Grace - that about sums it up
welcome Nella, when you find yourself over whelmed with all these doubts and ?'s just remember "just keep swimming" it's my life phrase these days.

oth of my difficult child's got a genetic double whammy when it comes to mental health genes, but there are no perfect children out there, every child will struggle with something at some point through their adolecense and if they don't be sure they will as an adult. And you are being proactive for your son now, when he's young~~! that's an awesome advantage for both of you!

Does your son have an IEP through the school district>? That is always a good 1st step in getting him the services that he needs, this is an awesome spot for not only support and hugs but info as well




What helped me a lot when our son was first diagnosed with ADHD (which included, at least in my son's case, very many ODD traits) at age 5, the same age as your son, was something a very wise man told me and that was, "Remember, there is much, much more to G than the label he was given."

Thinking about that comment over the years has really helped me to remember that my son's diagnosis did not and does not define who he was, is, or may become.