
New Member
That really makes some sense doesn't it.... so are you still planning to see about other evaluations then? Tourette's can present so differently with each child. Finding out any underlying needs will still be super helpful I would think but depends on what support you feel you get when you see psychiatrist.

Glad you got someone to listen to you.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to add my welcome and give you a big Way To Go! It's so stressful being your child's main advocate but in my humble opinion that is the only way he has a fighting of chance for issues resolution. Hugs. DDD


New Member
psychiatrist just cancelled and rescheduled for Monday. :( But on the bright side I was able to schedule a family therapy session for Monday also since my husband is off for the day before he flies out Tuesday morning. I think that will be a very good thing especially since he's leaving. I AM still going to do the other evaluations. Tourette's Syndrome doesn't account for a lot of the other behavior he is exhibiting at this time. Thanks for the encouragement, it makes me feel like for once in my life I'm not fighting this battle alone or trying to vent upon deaf ears.


New Member
Just got the call. He's now suspended from school. I thought this was working on being a good week but it's not. In addition to him punching this other child in the face he also was slamming his head against concrete walls. I don't know why he does these self destructive things to himself. He refused to take the ice they offered him so I am sure he will come home with yet another egg on the back of his head.:sigh: