Interesting article on grandparents/inlaws


New Member
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing the article! I just noticed your difficult child is taking Tenex. We actually started introducing this into our son's routine today as a matter of fact. We are gradually weaning him (almost 12) off of Vyvanse and Lexapro and wanted to try a different class of medications. We were told it is currently used to treat Aggressive Impulsive ADHD, although it was originally designed for hypertension. I am curious how it has worked for your son. Any side effects you know of? Just curious.

Enjoy your holiday and hang in there, Mom!



Mom? What's a difficult child?
Thank you Ms. Stang
It at least made me smile!!! As I am gearing up for dinner... I am focusing on football starting right now and enjoying my coffee... :)


Mom? What's a difficult child?
Thank you Ms. Stang
It at least made me smile!!! As I am gearing up for dinner... I am focusing on football starting right now and enjoying my coffee... :)


Going Green
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing the article! I just noticed your difficult child is taking Tenex. We actually started introducing this into our son's routine today as a matter of fact. We are gradually weaning him (almost 12) off of Vyvanse and Lexapro and wanted to try a different class of medications. We were told it is currently used to treat Aggressive Impulsive ADHD, although it was originally designed for hypertension. I am curious how it has worked for your son. Any side effects you know of? Just curious.

Enjoy your holiday and hang in there, Mom!


As for my difficult child there really haven't been any side affects. Keep in mind though that Tenex is one that also has to be weaned if it doesn't work or is changed. He hasn't been that great lately about taking his medications but would complain about not feeling good. His psychiatrist ran him up the flag pole for it because it can land you in the hospital if you just stop taking it. If I could remember, I would tell you what differences I noticed in him but we've trialed added/taken away enough medications that at this point, I don't remember the situations for each. So basically, with his combo, his medications get him where he needs to be to do it himself. AFter's kind of a carp shoot.


Even tho you said it probably wouldn't help with the Brooms, I read it anyway.

It might not help with the Brooms, but I'm gonna print it out for husband. I'll be sure to emphasize the part about causing a strain on your own family and learning to say no and the son who drives 40 minutes each way to water plants.