It must be in the water....


Well-Known Member
I've actually known for several weeks, but because of the last miscarriage, I didn't want to jinx it...

I'm going to be a Big Momma again.

PCson and daughter in law are expecting. JJ will be a big brother.

OOOOHHHH I hope its a girl!!! If so, she will be Kylie Alice. My grandmother who raise me was Alice and PCson said if there is going to be another woman in his life who bosses him around, she will be an Alice.


Spork Queen
Ok...picking myself up off the floor right now. I though it was YOU. Congratsm anyways. Enjoy the delightful no matter what the sex is.



Well-Known Member
At 46, and since my baby is almost 19, I would be picking myself off the floor.

Actually, I saw the mother of a high school friend last spring, and my friend, who is my age should be having a baby any day now. I guess I need to check and see if she's had him/her yet.

But, no, Abbey---not me. Factory is closed and has been gutted for 16 years now.


Active Member
Abbey! I thought the same thing! Don't laugh Every! I'm 44 and 23 weeks! I AM talking to the OB about something more permanent after this though - juuuuust to be sure!



call 911
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

allthough I sense twins somewhere - if not with yours then maybe someone else here...really strong feeling. And the twins I sense are a boy and a girl. Maybe it is them?

Congratulations - and NOW I am going to have a cold glass of water - I thought it was YOU.

Which would have been very cool - to me.

Hugs and congrats Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrandma


Well-Known Member
OMG Star. PCson has an older brother and sister by his bio. They are twins. And my sister has twins. That would be soooooo funny--well, maybe not funny, but....

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Congratulations! I also thought it was you and was sitting here trying to figure out how old you were...and thinking, "Is she nuts?" because I'm guessing we're about the same age or so. LOL - (Aw, nvts you are the bravest among us!).

Twins would be so cool~