Just when I was feeling skinny...

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
I'm all bloated up with PMS. Ugh~

My last year's capri's were feeling nice and even a little looser around the waist...my feet were less swollen, my back didn't hurt like it usually does, my arms may be a bit more flappy but that's because there is less fat weighing them down, after all...and IT hit. P - M - S. The bloating, the tiredness, headyache, weakness...feeling a little blah.

That's all. Just had to tell someone.


Well-Known Member
Sending hugs, Jo
And a bin-ful of Godiva chocoloates to make you feel better
(You know...the magic kind with no fat or calories)

Hope the PMS goes away soon.



Well-Known Member

I've been known to go up three or four pounds while pmsing! Fortunately, my perimemapause schedule is a period every other month!

Just one chocolate!
