Kanga's new family


New Member
I wondered what would happen when the woman got even a little true information. Glad she's safe for now.


Roll With It
If this woman actually does take Kanga into her home, someone NEEDS to call CPS to warn them that her children are in severe danger. Kanga was such a threat to your children, JJJ, that the state and fed systems placed her in Residential Treatment Center (RTC) type settings away from home for a very very LONG time. She has not participated in any kind of therapy unless it was to manipulate it to get something that was NOT good, ie time alone with others for sexual purposes, etc.... Her record of violence is proof she is dangerous and she will not stop being dangerous just because she turns a certain age.

This woman has NO RIGHT to take Kanga into her home with her children. At a couple of points either husband or I was approached to 'help' a child with severe problems by taking them into our home to raise them. At another couple of points early on we discussed adopting an older child. We chose not to adopt NOT because we don't want to help but because our PRIMARY responsibility once we had children is to make sure they are safe. There was no way to keep our own children safe from each other until it got so bad it was life threatening, but we still did everything humanly and financially possible. we couldn't send Wiz to some therapeutic setting for good because we couldn't afford it, esp after I had to stop working to deal with all the therapy appts, etc.... and it was a HUGE financial hit for me not to work. We did that because it was what was NEEDED for our kids.

I feel very, very sad that this woman has at least attempted to choose to allow a dangerous person to live with her kids. I really pray she has gotten oood info on what Kanga is truly like, and that she backs far, far away from this. She OWES this to her children.

in my opinion moving Kanga into her home iwth her children is at the very least neglect, and likely abuse because she has every opportunity to find out what is really happening with Kanga and if she still chooses to take her home, her kids need to be removed to safety.

I am sure this perspective would shock and appall many people, esp those with-o difficult children or who think difficult children just had bad parents, but in my opinion they are deluded.

That woman has no more right to bring a dangerous person home to live with her kids as she does to serve them cyanide for breakfast or to start building bombs in her home.


Active Member
Susie - you make a very good point. I don't think this woman knew Kanga's history, but it appears that she has backed off and the offer is no longer on the table. I think when she was given accurate information, she did put her children first.

Update: We have not spoken with Kanga in over a week. Staff checked in to let us know that the SSI was straightened out and it was approved to continue and the letter was sent in error. Kanga has missed more school than she has attended in the last couple of weeks. She has also not returned to the TLP on a couple of nights. She has a mental health staffing next week, it should be interesting.