Kinda obvious question, but would like your opinion anyway (s)....


Love me...Love me not

I had a similar experience in a college class. I went back to school after having kids, so I was a little older than some of the other Freshman. And there was a young girl in my class who was always wearing sweats and one of those spaghetti-strap tops. She would roll the top of the pants down just a tad and every time she moved you either got a slight view of her underpants or a sight view of her breasts. She seemed unaware--but it made others in class uncomfortable.

Finally, the teacher (a man) tried to politely ask her to please put on a sweatshirt or something.

Well, this young lady turned on him and gave him a lecture about her right to be comfortable and wear what she wanted and he had no business looking at her anyway and yadda, yadda, yadda.

The teacher was a nice guy, and I felt really bad that she had yelled at him that way. At the time, I wanted to pull her aside and say something along the lines of look--you are clearly making people uncomfortable...couldn't you have a bit of respect.

But I never said anything.

I think it's a no-win situation. I don't think everyone will ever agree on what is or is not appropriate to wear.


Active Member
No idea what the eye rolling is all about. I like to sit in the front of the class for two reasons, 1) I don't hear well. I hear okay, but not well. I like to sit in the front so I don't miss anything. I also lip read a lot. 2) I don't see well either. I wear glasses and see fine, but if I happen to wear contacts, they don't provide me with the same vision.

However, I don't think I'd make such a fuss about it the way she seems to have.

Stretchy-pants-woman.....some people just dress that way all the time. Maybe she has an ulterior motive for class or maybe her ulterior motives are all the time.