Lovely, Kanga is having hallucinations


New Member
I am so sorry the "powers that be" have failed you.

Hope everyone can stay safe while this is sorted out and Kanga gets the help she needs.

Sending hugs(BIG ones) of support and strength.


Active Member
Thank you for all the support. We have our plan for the next 5 weeks. Mostly it consists of not being home when Kanga is home. The littles and I will be spending weekends back at my mom's. The stress level that Tigger is under is unreal. He keeps trying to "make it better" by saying things like "it's okay, I don't have to be a real part of this family, then she won't want to hurt me." It makes me so sad.


So sorry you all are going through this. Many hugs. I keep playing the lottery in the hope I can help my kids. If I win I will make a grant to you also. I hate that it is always about money. It never should be.



Well-Known Member
Like the rest of the CD family I really, really, really wish I could help in some way. All I can do is send caring thoughts, prayers and hugs your way. DDD


New Member
I had so hoped things like this had improved some since we were in those shoes. It is just so wrong there is not enough help and support for families who have to cope with these things.