Manster Survived first day of Middle School!



It was a tough transition. As we traveled the parking lot to the drop off spot and saw several hundred kids on the lawn waiting for the bell to ring the magnitude of it all set in. He begged me to not make him get out of the car "by all those kids" lol. Said bud, you won't be able to avoid them, might as well dive in. Luckily one of his (girl)friends found him and they walked in together.

He said it was a good day and a few kids he knew were in some of his classes. He's proud to be one of the top locker openers and he was tickled that many of the "hot chicks" already knew his name and he had no idea who *they* were.

It will be a long haul but just for today, it feels like a minor success just having made it through the day.