McKenzie has high levels of lead in her blood stream


Roll With It
Lead is incredibly dangerous and may account for the stomach problems she has had. The amount of lead paint needed to cause problems is incredibly small. Hanging sheetrock over the walls is one of the ways that is less likely to stir up dust from old lead paint, but it can still cause serious problems.

This site ( has good info and in the section about old lead paint it says that a chip of lead paint the size of a postage stamp has enough lead to give 10,000 times the safe level of lead for a child. That is a huge amount of lead in an incredibly small piece of something.

Lead dust is even more dangerous and can be released by opening and closing a window or door that has lead paint on it. The remodelling is probably stirring up a LOT of lead paint if that is the cause.

Cory and Mandy MUST MUST MUST be checked. It is NOT optional. One of my aunt's husbands, number six or seven, worked painting semis for years. He and his bro owned the company with his bro doing the books/billing and he did the painting. He didn't know his brother was using auto paint with lead in it (this guy couldn't read due to dyslexia and other problems) and after a few years iwth this paint he started really losing his memory, knowledge of how to do things, etc... My aunt wasn't married to him for more than a few years but she saw some scary loss of skills and mental abilities so she made the doctor do a lot of testing. He had very high levels of lead and this was at least ten years after the business closed. By that point they couldn't do anything to help him.

Make SURE that Cory and Mandy get tested. Even if you have to return ALL the Christmas gifts to everyone in order to pay for the testing, this is well worth it and they must be tested ASAP. It won't cost that much, of course, and the health dept may do it for free. This is just SOOOO important for them to have done. McKenzie NEEDS them at their best for as much of her life as possble.

Toys from china and even crayons and markers from China are often found to have very high lead levels. The manufacturers over there pretty much just don't give a dang, esp if they are shipping the items to the US. They have been found to use all sorts of things to get around the laws about lead paint here in the US. It is well worth it to pay more for toys made in the US. There is no real way to test every item from china and other countries known to use lead.

I hope they get whatever treatment is available and they find and eliminate the source. Be aware that until sometime in the 1990's, magazines were printed with lead based inks. Now they are not, as far as I know, but if you cannot find anything else and they have magazines around, have them contact the publisher of the magazine and ask about this.


Well-Known Member
No auto body painting. Mandy sometimes wears make up but lipstick isnt her thing, its more eye shadow. Maybe lip gloss. Im taking bets on someone painted with lead paint over something and now its gotten kicked up.


Active Member
What about their water source? Even small towns still have trouble getting the mineral stabilization correct.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry to hear this, and so glad it's been caught.
Great ideas here ... I'll have to remember them all.
Hugs, Janet!


Well-Known Member
My two oldest children were lead poisoned at the day care they went to as babies. It was licensed and inspected and insured but back in 1992, lead was not something NYC tested for as I learned. Both had long lasting effects. Oldest boy's IQ is 135, would have been at least 5 points higher per all the testers but for the lead-induced ADHD that impacted him. I finally had him diagnosis'ed as Asperger's, which he really isn't, because lead poisoned doesn't give you services in school. daughter was younger and was more affected in her performance IQ, she tested at 154 verbal but "only" 112 in performance. This negatively impacted her in math all through her school career. Oldest boy could never concentrate and, at 22, is finally managing to start maturing. He dropped out of college and now works delivering pizza. My daughter is studying to be a Special Education teacher, in some part because of her struggles with math and my son's issues.

Their levels were high but not high enough to require chelation, thankfully. We were told to feed them foods which are high in iron because iron helps leach the lead from the blood and to give them iron supplements as well. Their levels eventually went down. For quite a while, we did monthly testing and then switched to quarterly, biannunally and when they hit puberty, one last test. One thing I learned which was interesting is that lead collects in the femur bone so that until a child is grown (21), if they break the femur, the lead could leak out into the bloodstream so if that happens, the doctors must be informed asap. After that, it's not dangerous.

As for Cory and Mandy, they should discuss with their doctor if they need a test. Lead does not impact adults the way it does kids and unless they had a serious, prolonged exposure it probably won't be an issue. If Mandy plans another baby, she should test as I can't remember if lead passes through the placenta.

Last thing - I knew my kids were not exposed at my mother in law's but the Health Dept. asked to test there. She agreed. I would have been upset had she refused.

Good luck with Mackenzie - I love her name. It's actually difficult child's middle name.


Well-Known Member
Well I am going to refuse no matter what. I have other issues which I simply cannot let the health dept in and no one is going to help me clean up. My house would most likely be condemned because of my bedroom but it would all be blamed on me and because no one will help me, no one is coming in. I have asked for help, no help is coming so I just dont let anyone in my bedroom.


New Member
If they don't find it at their house and she's worried about yours, then they can just have you visit them and not come over. You don't have to put yourself on the line for bigger issues.

Does she come over that much anyway anymore? Do you still do any daycare for them? How do you do that? Is there a room that doesn't have the ashes and shredding? I'm angry for you that those men living with you don't clean it up for you. How can you feel well with that? I'm really sorry Janet.


Active Member
DJ, what if you and tony get tested and if neither of you have high levels, then it isn't coming from your house.


Well-Known Member
That would work K. And no, we have never done daycare for Kenzie. I think I kept maybe a day or two when Mandy flaked out. I can honestly say we have probably only kept this baby for maybe 14 days in her entire life and she is 14 months old. Maybe slightly more. We normally get her one weekend a month which starts at around 5 pm on the night before and we take her back home the next afternoon. About a 24 hour day off for them. Nothing like what we did with Keyana.


New Member
For Pete's sake. If she's got that high a level and she's barely at your house, then doesn't common sense say it's a source closer to home? Is she attending a daycare?

If they can't find any source then k has a great idea. Maybe they can pay any costs associated if insurance won't pay or there's a co-pay.


Well-Known Member
This has probably been asked before but does she have an old crib, or one that may have been repainted?

Something that made me wonder - just didn't sound quite right ... do they usually do "routine blood tests" on children that young? I don't remember my own kids having any kind of routine bloodwork done at that age, but then mine are older and its been a long time. The only time they ever had bloodwork done was before surgery to have tubes put in their ears.


Well-Known Member
Seems like I recall reading that the baby stayed with maternal relatives as well as some of her Mom's friends. Did they get the test kit from the health dept that indicates lead when dabbed on objects? DDD


New Member
My son has always had routine bloodwork inc. Lead and vit.D levels. He had health issues so maybe thats why? But my sister's kids all had lead screenings too.