Meltdowns, neuropsychologist evaluation and wrap meeting


Active Member
difficult child is having several meltdowns a week. I forget what last weeks were, saturday it was over pancake. He got to the sobbing uncontrollably hyperventilating just on the verge of passing out stage. I really wonder if these are not an anxiety attack, but it is hard to know as he refuses to talk about then afterward. <br />
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Yesterday it was at school. The test of the school was going on a bike ride to practice bike safety and difficult child did not want to go. Said he did not need to practice bike safety. School director called me and had me on speaker phone with difficult child and that was when difficult child started hyperventilating. Director started trying to coach difficult child to breathe, which just really agitates difficult child more do I told director to stop and why......he did. What a day. I think difficult child will be transferring to the school more geared for emotionally disturbed kids soon. I wish he could finish the year here.....but I don't sere that happening.<br />
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Finally got the neuropsychologist report back. She states he had Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) and nld traits, confirms the adhd and mood disorder, and gives him the diagnosis learning disabled not otherwise specified. the nld really describes his social interactions well. It has some good interventions for school.<br />
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And this afternoon we have a wrap meeting at the school. Could not be better timing! I have not been very impressed with the wrap team, coordinator does not seem to realize how difficult children limitations and behaviors affect him. I am hoping that having the schools input after such a major meltdown will help.


Maybe the coordinator should "shadow" him for a day. Sometimes I think a lot people are too book smart but very people dumb and too oblivious (or full of themselves) to notice. Know what I mean??

{{{{(((HUGS)))}}}} to you both and I hope SOMETHING good comes out of the meeting.


Active Member
tedo, the problem with having someone shape him is then he won't have any problems. Wr have done that before and got complimented on how great he is.


Well-Known Member
So glad you got the neuro/psychiatric evaluation before the meeting. If it's not too late you might want to print off the computer information on each diagnosis. Most of the time IEP people are not aware of all the ramifications of diagnosis's. Fingers crossed all goes well and difficult child gets the support he needs. Hugs. DDD


Well-Known Member
Crazymama - The problem with shadowing is that most people don't know how to do it. It HAS to be done in such a way that the kids have NO idea the real reason this person is around. It CAN be done right - and if it is, DOES produce useful info. But doing it wrong is worse than doing nothing.... You don't need a report about how "good" difficult child can be!


Active Member
Ddd.....i agree but this is a wrap meeting......i an still going to print off some info on my lunch.

Insn, I totally agree. But how to get that done is the hard part.


Well-Known Member
Insn, I totally agree. But how to get that done is the hard part.

I'd ship you our "best" evaluator... but he retired 5 years ago and we don't even live in the same prov now!
His trick was to book a day at the school, and come in as a "teacher trainer". The kids were TOLD that. And he would... the teacher would be presenting away, and he'd stop her, and show a tip or trick to adapt her style, that would make it easier for ALL the kids (write that on the board while you're talking... wait until the room is quiet... etc.)

The kids lapped it up - the TEACHER was having to be TAUGHT. Things went on as normal, and the kids even pushed limits a bit because they wanted to see the teacher get in trouble...
Meanwhile, all the NOTES he was taking... were about the one or two kids he was supposed to be observing.

But he was... one in a million, I know.


New Member
Crazy mama,

hugs. Sounds like things are difficult, but that there is some help. Would be nice if help was helpful. Panic attacks must be scary. For you and him.

Big hugs.