Miss KT just called...crying...


Well-Known Member
She made her first solo trip to the Bay Area yesterday to visit M, her "sorta stepmom". The trip went smoothly, and she and M had a great time. Miss KT was quite proud of her ability to navigate Bay Area traffic, and find her way to M's.

I just got a call..."I don't know where I am. How do I get home? I think I'm in Monterey!" Wow...she really overshot her exit. By about 2 hours. If the info she gave me was correct, the directions I gave her will work. If not...who knows. If she gets lost again, she'll freak, and then there will be no calming her and expecting her to follow reasonable instructions. I wonder too if she has enough gas. My mom gave her money for Easter, and some extra for gas, and she spent it all.



Well-Known Member
Oh goodness. Some days ADHD and driving are just not a good combination.
Hoping that Miss KT is able to follow your directions and make it safely home, and that she has a nice uncomplicated journey the rest of the way.



Active Member
Oh boy...I hope she finds her way back to familiar ground soon and safely. Does she have a credit card or anything for emergencies in case she gets low on gas?


Well-Known Member
No credit cards...she can barely handle cash!

She made it home, all ticked off and starving, and she seems to have calmed down. Glad I didn't have to call out the Highway Patrol or something.


Active Member
That's good news! I hope this experience somehow helps her as she matures more and has challenging situations in the future. I'm sure you are relieved, too!


Crazy Cat Lady
Mapquest is your friend. Next time, print out her routes in advance. Give her a pre-paid gas card from a major station so if she does get lost, at least she can get gas if needed.


I live in the Bay Area, and if she was driving the roads I think she was, they can be very confusing. At one point you have to go North to go South. I have traveled the wrong way more than once, and it is very frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Yes - get the girl a GPS for Easter. You can get one for $60 these days. You can program Home into it so she can always at least get home from where ever she is. Glad she is safe!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing about the GPS! Glad she made it home safely. I have a friend who is 46 and fears getting lost - it prevented her from driving and doing with her children for years. She's a little better now, but it can be frightening for some people.



Active Member
I'm glad she made it home.

It's easy to get lost sometimes, for anyone, but when it's a young difficult child it can be really scary.

With easy child's wedding, we had to all travel to Newcastle, north a few hours, to stay in a motel near where easy child & SIL1 were living at the time. We'd booked the motel out (apart from some road workers who used the motel as accommodation for a long-term job doing roadwork on the highway). Different people were arriving at different times and we used our mobile phones a lot.
difficult child 1 & daughter in law were driving up from Sydney. Now, Newcastle is built around the shores of a very long, narrow lake which runs north-south. When the highway gets to a certain point about half an hour south of Newcastle (but still all bush, no buildings or towns) the road splits. Both roads say "Newcastle". If you're travelling further north (say, interstate to Brisbane) then you stay on the main highway, which runs on the west side of the lake. But we were staying near the denser part of Newcastle, on the east side.
At 8 pm I got a text from difficult child 1. "We're leaving Sydney now."
I texted back - "When you get to Doyalson, take the Belmont exit. It goes left, then crosses under the highway to head east."
Wouldn't you know - he took the east road, which turned out to be the one that heads west.
At 10 pm he rang me, frustrated. "OK, where are you guys? We've just reached the river to the north of Newcastle, where we head further north to Brisbane. We haven't seen Belmont anywhere."
I talked to him, found out he had not only taken the wrong road but continued on it for an hour longer than he should have. I talked him through a different route back and told him to call me in half an hour to let me know where he was - we would fine-tune his drive back to us. I told him to head due east until he got to the Newcastle CBD (lots of tall buildings, container terminal, harbour). Then head south. Stop if he got to Belmont and call me.
Half an hour later I rang him. He still hadn't reached Belmont, but it sounded like he was driving towards us through the denser suburbs.
I don't know what happened after that, but working it out later we realised he had once more taken the west road, not the east. He had failed to go right in to the CBD, and so had followed the broader highway south to Sydney.
Yep, he got almost all the way back to Sydney!

Finally we worked it out - I made sure that as they drove north again, I was actually on the phone to daughter in law as they reached and navigated the Doyalson turnoff. As it was, he nearly made the same mistake again.

By this time difficult child 1 was almost incandescent with rage, I am amazed daughter in law was letting him drive. Once we knew he was on the correct road, I talked him in. I knew the landmarks well - you reach the outer edges of civilisation, you come to a big bridge (the mouth of the lake, as it happens) and we were five minutes north of the bridge.

It was midnight. I was wearing red Snoopy pyjamas and standing out on a busy highway, flagging down the kids in their car while talking on my phone with the last remnants of battery. I was so glad the road workers had booked in to our motel - "OK, son, I'm standing in the driveway of the motel wearing red pyjamas and there's a dirty great yellow bulldozer behind me!"

The one good thought to hold on to - when they come through an experience like tat and finally find their way to you, they have won. It may have been ah arrowing experience, but they will remember it and also remember that they won through. THAT is the victory and that is the best lesson learned, to help them stay calmer next time it happens.

And oh yes, there will be a next time!



Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhhhh! So sorry! I've done that. Drove to the ocean once instead of the mountains, listening to a Patricia Cornwell tape. (It was a good story!) We were adults, too. {blush}
I hope she calms down and just turns around.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Miss KT made it home safely as well. I agree with Marg that the "trial by fire" of finding your way to your destination after being lost is a big victory.

Although my sense of direction is pretty good, I am prone to "Aspie moments" when I'm driving an unfamiliar route, and often get husband to do "Air Traffic Control" for me. I always make sure I have my mobile phone and headset with me when I set off, get husband on the phone, and he plots out a route for me and gives directions as I drive along. The only issue is that husband's directions can't always keep up with my lead foot. I've lost and unlost myself enough times now that it's become fairly routine.

Good for Miss KT!