My niece has discovered texting!!!


Going Green
OMG!!! This child is driving me batty!!! I have 27 texts in my inbox from her from the past couple of hours. That doesn't count the 10 or so I've already erased. In the middle of all of that I got a text from her mom that said "aren't you glad she has your number? lol" Grrrrrrrrrr!!! I can see why they got her a phone....she has extra cirricular activities and could need it for rides and such. But she's 12!!! I hope they have unlimited texting!!! LOL

My other sister in law is here and got a bunch too. Then we gave her husband's number! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Roll With It
Oh, my. Maybe you need to say something to her or her mom??

Jess got a phone at 11. Mostly because she was having serious health issues and I was terrified she would be out somewhere and not be able to get help.

I am SO glad we disabled the texting!!!!

Sorry about all the texts. Can you refuse them or something?


Well-Known Member
One thing I did not realize until I had my 13 year old niece and her friends around is if you do not read a text the minute is comes in, it disappears into cyber space never to be seen again---LOL---I'm going to invent some sort of hand hold that will permantly attach a phone to a teenage girls hand!!!


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that, mstang! When we got our phones, we had 50 free texts. For some reason, we couldn't disable the texts on Miss KT's phone, so we went to unlimited. It was either that or break her thumbs. Isn't is amazing the amount of useless info they can transmit?


New Member
my text messages don't disappear, they are in my "in" box until I delete them. Of course, I have a fairly old phone.

We have unlimited. Good thing because my daughter in law manages to have several hundred a month, and that's when my son WASN'T in the country and able to receive them!!


New Member
OMG!!!!! my difficult child s phone that she pays for (Her own cell contract) is driving me batty. It gos all day long. The only time she is not texting is when she clocked in at work or sleeping. Her and her ummmmm boyfriend text out of control like 14 year olds. Yikes!!!!!! I hear her text tone in my sleep. Thats bad......