My, oh, my... shoulda bumped my medications a loooong time ago!


Here we go again!
Okay it's now day two at an extra 1/2 tab of my AD and (gasp!) I'm CLEANING! You heard me -- CLEANING! :surprise: I've attacked the kids' art table and have been organizing, dusting, vacuuming and tidying what used to be a 6x3-foot chaotic dumping ground for anything we didn't know what to do with! I've got drawers labeled, pencils sharpened, papers filed, dust bunnies hoovered... geez, you'd wonder what got into me! :tongue:

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
So glad it's helping. I've been wondering if I need an increase lately. by the way, once you are done with your house, please head on over my way!


Active Member

I dare someone to tell me some of us don't need medications!!! A chemical imbalance deserves treatment. I am so glad you found the right combo.


call 911
Well I took YOUR advice and bumped up 1 tablet during Um....(you know) and now - my FRONT yard....field, and side yards look like Marth Stewart have been joke..(thanks you very much) we (not me and the mouse in my pocket either) me and DF MISSED THANKSGIVING....yup....totally forgot to put the bird in the oven. At 3:00 after sharpening shovels, yard tools....and lopers...cutting down bushes, trimming bushes, raking leaves, edging sidewalks, pulling weeds, moving shrubs, planting trees, moving trees, trimming trees, edging driveways, cleaning ditches, and blowing off asphalt? We finally said - "ENOUGH" so we came in and cleaned the house, did laundry, vacuumed, and then sat down and said 'No really ENOUGH'......

So yeah....I feel for you and your sharpened pencils...and your begone dust rabbits....because we had our Thanksgiving yesterday and then TODAY finished mulching three years (did I say I have not felt like yard work in forever?) of leaves, started a burn pile, raked pine straw, fluffed it all over the flower beds, under trees, and under the freshly cut shrubs...did MORE laundry...raked MORE leaves....and finally decided that bumping up MY AD on someone's recommendation was (near lethal) for DF.
(ROFLM Welbutrin Completely off) MWAH HA HA......

Too bad.....I have a bookshelf that I want refinished and only got it 1/16th done and NOW will have to paint it....I'm out of

But SO PROUD OF YOU FOR YOUR CLEAN HOME........MWAH!!!!! Thanks so much for the suggestion. Tomorrow? I shall lay in bed and die......unable to move....:whiteflag:


Here we go again!
Wow, Star. I only cleaned up an art table, not the en-tire back forty! Here (slides two extra-strength Tylenol across the table) take these with this (a hot cup of chammomile (camel meal?) tea). Now go to bed and don't lift a FINGER tomorrow! Day of rest and all, you know.

I think husband got a little of my industriousness in his shorts the last two days -- he's been hauling loads of 150 bricks at a time from Home Depot because I mentioned last week that it would be "nice" if we had a little bricked-in area for chairs so we could sit at the end of the yard and enjoy the view (mountains and ocean on a clear day, city lights at night :D, smog in the summer :ashamed: ). I said nothing about when. It was simply a "someday" kind of musing. But NO! He takes it upon himself that it has to be done THIS WEEKEND. His chiropractor is not going to be very happy on Monday! :tongue:


Well-Known Member
Really and truly...all you industrious folk...come to my house. I need it cleaned before next weekend when company comes! I cant add an AD without disastrous