My younger sister passed away....

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
I am so sorry Scared for the loss of your sister. Sudden unexpected passing is heart wrenching. My prayers go up for you and your family.
I just can't handle it. :( Please give me some advice. Thanks.
I think it is absolutely important for you to be able to have the time you need to grieve.
I hope your husband is able to understand your need for some peace and quiet this weekend and that you have a solution.



Hello weekend was peaceful. I told husband I did not feel up to having SS over the weekend and he agreed so we did not have him here. It was nice to be able to enjoy a quiet weekend. I really needed it. But all good things must come to an end, and SS and bio mom are causing more drama this week. As I have mentioned there is a big truancy problem as SS keeps refusing to go to school and keeps making up various illnesses in order to get bio mom to let him stay home. Of course then bio mom has to take him to urgent care each time because the truant officer requires SS to have a doctors. note each time he's absent in order to have the absence excused since he has missed so much school this year. I don't know how bio mom manages to get all these doctors. (she goes around to different urgent cares) to say SS is sick when he really isn't, but she so far has managed to do it each time. Well she texts husband at 11:30 last night saying that SS is saying he isn't going to school today because he has an infected hair follicle on his head and that she needs husband to take him to the dr. as she cannot take off work to do it. husband sees right through SS and tells bio mom he cannot take off work either to take him just for a pimple on his head. So bio mom texts back this morning and says the pimple is much bigger and she is taking him to the ER. SS texts also last night and tells husband that the pimple on his head is giving him migraines. There is not a word of truth to any of this of course, just more lies from bio mom and SS. If SS would take a shower every day and wash his hair he might not have a pimple on his head. Bio mom resorted to the ER when she found out that husband couldn't take him to the dr. to ensure that she gets a dr. note, because I am sure she realized that any urgent care is going to dismiss SS's minor complaint of a sore pimple on his head. At the ER she will make up all kinds of crap to get them to do tests and then of course she will get her precious dr. note to keep her and SS out of trouble with the truant officer. I am sooooooo tired of dealing with this every week. It's getting really old and I don't need more stress. husband says nothing is going to change if SS doesn't get some consequences for his behavior, and bio mom refuses to file the unruly child paperwork on him which she was advised to to over TWO years ago by his psychiatrist and the prosecutor. She even had the paperwork drawn up, but never filed it with juvenile court. We've told her repeatedly that she really has no choice, if she doesn't do it then there is no hope for this child to ever become a responsible adult. It may be too late already.


Well-Known Member
This kid needs to get away from his mom.
No, I don't mean YOU take him full time. But even special needs foster would be an improvement.


He needs to be in residential treatment. She's been told this repeatedly by many doctors. I will never agree to take him full time. I can barely get through every other weekend of him being here.


Crazy Cat Lady
I agree with IC. His mom is enabling this behavior. Not only that, each visit to Urgent Care runs about 350 dollars and even if she is insured, her carrier is sooner or later going to quit covering excessive visits.


Well-Known Member
I think, based on his very dangerous behavior, he needs residential care. Neither parent is dealing well with him and im not sure that, at this stage, anyone could. Does this kid even listen to or care about consequences? Is it not true that your husband makes you take most care of this child while he works?
The only way to get full custody of ss is to prove bio. Mom is unfit. Being a bad parent is not enough. She would have to be a felon or crazy. And your husband has not been a stellar parent either.
This is a lose/lose for you. Both have you, the stepmother, more concerned about this child thsn they are. Meanwhile you are a wreck over a boy who was badly damaged by both parents and stepparents have no legal rights. I think you and hub need marriage counseling or I fear for the longevity of this marriage. This is not just bio. Moms fault. It is your husbands behaviors as well.
Heres hoping your husband will agree to marriage counseling. I also hope ss does get the help he desperately needs in residential treatment. He has threatened your lives and been violent. He needs more help than he can get at home.
I am so sorry you are in such a crazy situation