Need Advice about BiPolar Son


Wendy, just out of curiosity, has your difficult child ever been evaluated by a developmental pediatrician, a neuropsychologist or a multidisciplinary team at a university or children's hopsital? He has some red flags -- obsessions, not being able to have a give-and-take conversation, not able to read social cues very well -- that point in the direction of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Mood disorders can accompany Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and the treatment would require both medication and other interventions. The important point is to get an accurate diagnosis so you know what you're dealing with.

Sara PA

New Member
I would be less concerned about the side effects of mood stabilizers than in getting a proper diagnosis. ALL these drugs have unpleasant side effects. Children should be taking them only if they have a diagnosis that warrants their use and if they improve while taking them. I agree with smallworld and others that your child may need more evaluation than he has had.


Wendy, you and I were posting at the same time. The professionals I listed -- NOT a psychiatrist -- are the best to diagnosis Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Some children's and university hospitals have autism clinics that evaluate for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).


New Member
Small World and Sara

Again, thanks for your suggestions. I have thought about getting an evaluation from the university and I think it's about time. I am so concerned with my difficult child and how to support him. I have a huge behavioral background (school social worker) and work with parents and teachers around behavioral issues, and can't seem to get anything going in a solidly positive direction for my son. I think I will call and look into an autism evaluation. and/or complete developmental evaluation. You are right, without knowing exactly what is going on, it's hard to intervene effectively. Thanks again!