New Elsie behavior



We had a somewhat scary morning. difficult child 1 had been great yesterday. This morning he was grouchy. It was as if all his niceness was used up yesterday and he was targeting Elsie. Snapping at her, taking toys from her, stomping his feet and flailing his arms. This isn't new behavior from him and he will get a consequence when he gets home tonight. Elsie has a cough and coughing drives difficult child 1 nuts. So, she would cough more! Hindsight I could've stopped her faster and difficult child 1 wouldn't have escalated so much. We ended up watching funny youtube shows during breakfast to calm him down.


Active Member
It's bad enough having a difficult child, but then having another child that eggs him on makes things so much worse sometimes. The funny YouTube videos was a good idea.


She turns 4 this week. I remember Ann doing this same thing when she was 4. I think this could be a normal phase of development. Not a nice one but very normal.


Active Member
I agree with you. My easy child went through phases where he would just needle difficult child just to needle him.