Next year......


call 911

*This is priceless - would love to do this.*

One year at Thanksgiving, my mom went to my
sister's house for the traditional feast. Knowing
how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to
play a trick. She told my sister that she needed
something from the store.

When my sister left, my mom took the turkey out of
the oven, removed the stuffing, stuffed a Cornish hen,
and inserted it into the turkey, and re-stuffed the
turkey. She then placed the bird(s) back in the oven.

When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the
turkey out of the oven and proceeded to remove the
stuffing. When her serving spoon hit something,
she reached in and pulled out the little bird.

With a look of total shock on her face, my mother
exclaimed, "Patricia, you've cooked a pregnant
bird!" At the reality of this horrifying news,
my sister started to cry.

It took the family two hours to convince her that
turkeys lay eggs!

Yup.....she's a blonde.

ROFLM drumsticks off. :tongue:


Well-Known Member funny! I would love to do that to Billie. I bet she would fall for it..lmao.

I read on her facebook page how she had gone to the store and got all the turkey and fixins for thanksgiving. Odd considering when Jamie called us on Thanksgiving and we asked him who cooked the turkey and how it was he told us they hadnt had a turkey! LOL. Guess she just had to post for show!


call 911
This ALMOST tops my sisters 1st cooked turkey when she pulled out the stuffing AND the neck/gizzard bag and freaked out and said "OMG WTH is THAT?" and nearly passed out on the floor.

Yeah - so glad she went into medicine....:tongue:


Roll With It
husband cooked our turkey yesterday. This would have been funny to do to him. He would have loved it.

Today husband came and told me he doesn't know how his Gma did it. She would cook a turkey and fixins, serve it, and clean it all up the same day.

I asked him how he thought I used to do it. Or my mom did.



Here we go again!

My uncle actually did cook a turkey one year with the giblets bag still inside... :hammer: And he neglected to fully defrost the bird before putting it in the oven. Needless to say, dinner was a few hours later than anticipated. That's one reason why we don't ask him to host anymore...


No real answers to life..
gcvmom, smart uncle.........................

to tell the truth, when I was first married and I wasn't much of a cook, I cooked the giblet bag in the back of the turkey, because I did actually stuff the turkey. The kicker was I did it again the next year........ couldn't even learn from my mistakes, but NOW I make a pretty mean turkey with stuffing (and without the giblet bag).............


Where in the WORLD do you get these things!?!
I think its kinda funny...but I guess it depends on your sense of humor and if you feel like you've been slighted somehow by the whole incident....


No real answers to life..
Now this is just crazy........ everybody knows a turkey would never birth a Cornish hen.........turkeys can only have turkey babies, okay, I confess, I'm blonde........


Crazy Cat Lady
Actually, according to that turkey hotline they run at this time of year, the bag for the giblets is perfectly food safe.

There is no risk to the safety/sanitation of the meal. You just look like a real dork when you serve it.


Spork Queen
This is exactly why I DO NOT cook turkeys/chickens unless special guests are coming. I need smelling salt while I clean that darn thing out. I take all the 'parts' out, put them in a bag and immediately run them to the trash then sanitize my hands to the max.

Agh. Tofu is so much easier.



Well-Known Member
LOL...Abbey...they wont hurt you! All they are is the neck, livers and gizzards. Or as they put it in turkeys...giblets. Lots of people buy chicken livers and gizzards and LOVE them fried or baked. I only like livers. Tony likes them both.

Sometimes for Christmas we will cook up the "innards" instead of throwing them away and give them to the pets for their holiday meal.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I always cook the turkey with the giblet bag still in it. Every year I tell myself I'm going to remember to remove it and every year I forget. Now I've come to believe it makes for a better tasting bird. LOL And easy child left it in when she made the turkey this year. lol

This is tooooooo funny!!!


Crazy Cat Lady
When husband was alive, we used to save the "goodies" for the critters or for stock, and save up the livers until we had enough to make Jewish chopped liver with them.

Now, I just throw the good stuff to the dog and he loves the stuff. Living alone and not having much room in my freezer because my dog eats a raw diet that has to be kept frozen, I don't save much stuff like that.

I don't even usually buy whole poultry other than game hens and the like. The boneless breasts and stuff and all treated with "solution", and I don't like the boneless thighs. I love wings, but they are very expensive for the amount of meat you get off of them.

I eat a lot of fish, and we have a local butcher shop that still gets meat in in sides and quarters and cuts and grinds it themselves. I get my meat there because it is extremely high quality, not treated, and I can get it in small portions like a single chop, etc.

Interestingly, they are competive with super Walmart and Trig's (N WI area place, they have four stores).


Crazy Cat Lady
When husband was alive, we used to save the "goodies" for the critters or for stock, and save up the livers until we had enough to make Jewish chopped liver with them.

Now, I just throw the good stuff to the dog and he loves the stuff. Living alone and not having much room in my freezer because my dog eats a raw diet that has to be kept frozen, I don't save much stuff like that.

I don't even usually buy whole poultry other than game hens and the like. The boneless breasts and stuff and all treated with "solution", and I don't like the boneless thighs. I love wings, but they are very expensive for the amount of meat you get off of them.

I eat a lot of fish, and we have a local butcher shop that still gets meat in in sides and quarters and cuts and grinds it themselves. I get my meat there because it is extremely high quality, not treated, and I can get it in small portions like a single chop, etc.

Interestingly, they are competive with super Walmart and Trig's (N WI area place, they have four stores).


Former desparate mom
I have to admit, I wouldn't find it funny at all. Sorry. I'm a party pooper. On the other hand, screwing up cooking the turkey so I don't have to cook it anymore would be funny to me. Maybe the practical joker could do the cooking from now on.

As susiestar's husband mentioned- it's amazing amount of work to cook a turkey meal and clean up by oneself.

So sorry to say Star, when you come to visit I won't make a turkey. :thanksgiving2:


Spork Queen
LOL...Abbey...they wont hurt you! All they are is the neck, livers and gizzards. Or as they put it in turkeys...giblets. Lots of people buy chicken livers and gizzards and LOVE them fried or baked. I only like livers. Tony likes them both.

Sometimes for Christmas we will cook up the "innards" instead of throwing them away and give them to the pets for their holiday meal.

OMG, Janet. You just brought back a visual that I had successfully put out of my mind for 30 years. The boiling of the neck ritual by my mom. She'd leave that thing and whatever parts boiling on the stove all day, then proceed to pick whatever meat (I'm using that term lightly) off and drain the broth for gravy and soup. I need to vomit now.

Now, on to livers. haha...I'm on a roll. Who would want to eat the organ of ANY living species that is designed to rid your body of bad things?:sick:

I won't even try gizzards. What the heck are they, anyways? All I know is that they are a gritty, mashy thing that has a strong taste that came out of some thing's stomach. Nope. I'll stick to my trail mix, tofu and milk.



Crazy Cat Lady
Birds don't have a proper stomach to store food and most birds eat a very "crunchy" diet (seeds, bugs, etc).

The gizzard is a muscular origin with a hard, rough lining. Birds swallow grit to help the gizzard grind food.

A gizzard, properly cleaned, should not be gritty. The lining has to be removed prior to cooking it.

I don't like the specific chewy sort of texture gizzards have, but properly prepared you shouldn't find any grit in them.