Oh, Good Heavens1!!!!


I just googled my screen name. I wanted to see if it would link back here because difficult child knows I use that name for a couple of different things (not smart, I know).

The good news? It doesn't ... at least not on the first page of google (she wouldn't go past that even if, by slim chance,she did google).

The bad news? This is the Urban Dictionary's defination for dashcat:
someone who likes to have sex with cats,

Yikes! I assure you, I did not know this (and wish I still didn't).

What is this world coming to?

Anyway, the origin of my name is a cat we had about 25 years ago. He was a swaggering orange tabby named "Dash". Somehow, we started calling him dashcat.

Hence, the name...


New Member
Good one. Last year I asked everyone on the board how they came up with their names, some (not mine) were really creative. I don't remember any as spicy as that. Though, I thought DDD could have been, lol!


And to any of you who've ever had a cat, it goes without saying that , to attempt such a thing with a cat would most likely not produce good results.