OMG ~ we've been played!


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You are not going to believe the texts that I am getting. They include:

"Things happen here that you wouldn't believe and I can't tell you about"

"I've been told people that snitch die"

"My roommate's boyfriend just took his eye out"

"I am terrified, you have no idea"

"My roommate just failed her drug test for every single thing if that gives you an idea of what is going on here"

Just to name a few. I know this is crazy but it is tearing me apart. I told her to leave and go to another halfway house if it is that bad and she said "they are all like that." I know she is just trying everything to get us to let her come home but it still hurts.


Oh my goodness, you poor mama. Of course it hurts. No need to justify your hurt with us.

Trust your instincts. You spoke to the director last night, you saw your difficult child yesterday.Size it up in your head and do whatever it is you need to do. Leave her there, find another place, shut off your phone (or change difficult child's alert tone to silent).

Lately, I have been doing my best to try and stop playing games with my difficult child and just to put everything on the table. If I need to hear his voice, I call him without apologizing and I say "I needed to hear your voice". I am answering my own needs and I am not apologizing to myself for doing it. If answering my needs gives difficult child the illusion of the "upper hand", I don't give a rat's patootie. Everybody else seems to have no problem putting themselves first - so I am going to do the same. So, if you want to drive to the sober house and check it out - DO IT. If you think she is full of baloney - DO NOTHING. Whatever works for YOU

Be good to yourself...{{{hugs}}}


Well-Known Member
Oh Kathy. I so hope your dtr never ends up in jail because you will end up on valium! She is manipulating you big time. Please disable your texts at least from her. Maybe let your husband take them right now. Have them go straight to your email or something.

If there are things going on there that she cant tell you about...thats because she doesnt want to. She wants to keep you guessing. She just cant think of anything to say.

Someones boyfriend took his eye out? Really? Yeah right. Well maybe he has a glass Doubtful though. Dramatics.

Of course the old snitches get stitches...who hasnt heard that? Whats new there? Tell her to get something original.

Her roommate failed a drug test? And? Your concerned why?

She really needs to come up with some better material.


Well-Known Member
"My roommate just failed her drug test for every single thing if that gives you an idea of what is going on here"

So ... is this the same roommate that the director saw her going out with? That doesn't sound too encouraging. And it doesn't sound like she was afraid for her safety either. Stand your ground Kathy, and cut her off if you have to. It's going to take that to finally get through to her!


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I don't know if it is the same roommate. He just said one of her roommates on the phone. He did say that he tested both of them when they came in and they were both clean.


member since 1999
Kathy - I'm just so very very sorry she's putting you thru this, and I have to say I'm more than a little peeved at her as well. When is enough enough? I agree with- Janet - she knows exactly what she's doing to you with- all these wonderfully informative texts.

Time to study up on those detached responses in archives. "Gee, honey, sorry about roomie's boyfriend's eye. Hope he recovers soon." "Gee honey, sorry living arrangements I am paying for aren't working out - hope you can come up with a better alternative soon."

When thank you was at his worst, I quickly learned to avoid asking simple questions like "How are you?", because sure as shooting, he would tell me and it just tore me up. I really *didn't* want to know.

We end up in a teeny tiny little box - a kid who can't/won't get help, stick with programs, who we love to pieces and who is just shredding our very heart. We want to help, but any help will be abused. I heard it all - the best shelters, the best soup kitchens, hanging out in Boys Town with the other street kids. It was horrible, Kathy. He didn't want my "help", he wanted to do what he wanted to do - if I would finance him, all the better. When I quit letting him hear my emotional response, when all he got was "that's nice" or "sorry to hear that", he at least stopped trying to inhale me into his little dysfunctional world.

How much longer can *you* keep this up? You deserve a break, hon. She has got to figure it out for herself now. Heaven knows, if you could fix it for her, it would've been done a *long* time ago.

I'm truly sorry. I know it's utterly heartbreaking, but it's time to put this squarely back on her shoulders. She's a big girl.


Just read your first two posts in this thread. A couple of things (other than I'm so sorry that you are experiencing all this hideous stuff! UGH!)
1. Good to hear that she had a negative drug test!!!
2. Repeat after me..."if an addict's lips are moving...they are lying" Read again 100X.

You are doing the best you can do under extremely difficult and confusing circumstances. Double/triple check everything. Take extra good care of yourself. Proceed with caution. Limit involvement as appropriate and certainly keep detached. Keep reading the serenity prayer and if you aren't doing so already, find a meeting for yourself if you are able. Best wishes to you and your hubby.


Well-Known Member
Well, she is good! I will give her that!

Sad that it goes from 'everyone's parents let them stay up past 10' to 'my roommates boyfriend just took his eye out'. But, both are manipulations that we parents have to ignore. I think I would be tempted to reply with equally disturbing thoughts for her to have to read.

In response to the eyeball thing, I might text back 'my friends husband cut his head off'. Mess with her, too. That might stop the texts at least.


Well-Known Member
Busy....oh yeah...that would be so cool! I would have a blast with that. whatever screwy text she sends, make up one even worse.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
In response to the eyeball thing, I might text back 'my friends husband cut his head off'. Mess with her, too. That might stop the texts at least.

I wish I had thought of that at the time!! If we weren't blocking her texts and calls, I would still do it.



Roll With It
Responses like the ones Busy suggested sound like something I would respond to Wiz if he had pulled nonsense like this.

I am glad you are blocking her. I know this is hard for you and for husband.

I really think that you and husband need to sit down and figure out when you are going to tell her, flat out, that she will not live in your home again. That she is an adult and must face the fact that she must create her own life and accept that your home is no longer her home because she is an adult and not a child. I think you should do this iwth the director of the halfway house or a therapist around. You shoudl tell her this once, flat out, clear, no ifs, ands, or "in case x happens then we would maybe think about it"'s.

Untl you do that, and truly make it clear that you will NEVER change your mind, her main goal in life will be to return to your home. in my opinion it is her primary goal. She needs to deal with whatever is making her want to be treated like a child while enjoying adult privileges like doing what she wants and coming/going as she pleases. She may relapse when you tell her, but that is NOT your fault. It is because she has an unrealistic goal and doesn't want to give it up.

She is incredibly skilled at manipulating you. In your shoes I would probably go and get the car so that she has to live with the consequences of lying to you. Since she is clearly lying about the home, and her only goal is to move in with you in a few months, she clearly is NOT going to go and get a job (why bother if you are moving away in a couple of months and someone is paying for your food and shelter?). Of course she is lying, and at some point you need t stop being the patsy that supports her minimal efforts as she lies and cheats you. Her attempt to not get the rules/drug tests/etc... that she dang well KNEW she needed, was an attempt to have you support her while she partied and played and pretended to be sober. It was her attempt to steal from you, in my opinion.

Steal? How?? Well, you agreed to support her as she continued to get sober. You agreed to fork over your hard-earned $$ so that she didn't have to work to pay for rent or food but could focus her entire life on not using her substance(s) of choice. You paid for her to have rules, meetings, a program to follow, drug tests, and support. She moved in KNOWING that some people were renters and not in the program. She KNEW she needed to NOT be a renter. She KNEW that you expected her to have the rules, drug tests and full support of the halfway house program. While she may not have succeeded because you called the director to clarify things and find out if she was safe, she still stole from you for at least a day. She also abused the bottle of benadryl you paid for.

Yes, it is good that she came back clean. Yes, it is good that she went to a meeting. Those good things need to be remembered, but they do NOT overshadow the things that she did. Staying clean during one outing and going to a meeting do NOT excuse stealing from you, esp on the level she attempted to do it. It does NOT excuse the things she texted, or the things she told you or her act when she was with you.

I am NOT in your situation, and I understand that you have to make choices that you can live with and that your intuition tells you are right for your family in this situatuion. I do strongly suggest that you talk about this with your other daughter to get her perspective. She has seen her sister's actions and choices from a different perspective. You will likely not like all that she has to say, but I urge you to listen and try to understand and accept what she says. What would she recommend you do? What would you do if your other daughter did what your difficult child did today?

NOT that the same reaction no matter which girl acted that way is right, but thinking about how you would react if the other daughter acted the way difficult child did might give you some perspective that could be helpful.

I think your support of her needs to be scaled back, and that you, husband and a therapist or someone from her program, or maybe her sponsor? need to have a brutally frank discussion about this goal of moving home. She needs to be told in super clear terms that your home is no longer hers and she is not going to live with you again. It isn't fair to any of you to keep this issue going around. I am sure you think you have told her clearly. But I doubt you have been as brutally frank as this needs to be said. Not mean, just flat out "you will not ever live in our home again. It is not healthy for you to have that as a goal. You are an adult. You need to create a life and home for yourself. We will always be part of your lfie, we will always love you. But our home was your childhood home and you are not a child. You need your own adult home." Having a therapist/sponsor/halfway house director there will help to make sure seh understands and help her cope with her reaction to this.

It does her no favors to not be blunt on this issue, in my opinion. Making sure she has some support in her life as you tell her is a kindness, and a way to help her udnerstand. Hopefully after she gets over the upset of hearing this, she will be able to move forward into being the adult the world expects her to be.

I am so sorry she is working so hard to manipulate you. She is really good at it. That is one thing that maybe her sister can give you some perspective on - siblings often see this far more clearly than parents, in my experience.