Orlando news: They think they may have found little Caylee Anthony's body(merged)


Well-Known Member
I know I must be just about the only one, but I haven't been closely following this case. What I read or heard yesterday somewhere was that Casey lived with her parents with Caylee. And the parents are defending Casey. I get it that the mother should know what was going on, but why are they she that it has nothing to do with the grandparents?



Well-Known Member
The more you hear about it, the less sense it makes! So all of this, the allegations that she drugged the child and put her in the trunk of the car while she was partying, all of that - she was supposed to have done that while living in the parents home? Is there some reason that the parents wouldn't have watched the child while she went out? They may not have liked it, but that's something most grandparents would do and take responsibility for their grandchild if they were concerned for her safety. If this all went on in their home, were they not concerned for the welfare of the little girl? It just doesn't make any sense!

This will be very interesting when it all comes out - if it ever does. The girl is obviously very seriously disturbed. Under these circumstances I can see a parent trying to get some understanding and leniency for their daughter due to her mental illness. But all the covering up and wild goose chases and outrageous stories, all the while probably knowing that that poor child was dumped out in the woods in a garbage bag! And this is the mother that refused to allow her to put the baby up for adoption, even though she had stated outright that she didn't want her! It kind of sounds like she and the mom are two of a kind!