pain question


New Member
Sammy has been complaining of ankle pain for a while. We have been watching it but lately it seems to be getting worse. I thought it was only the right ankle but it seems to be both. He keeps saying why my ankle wont wake up? and he cries his ankle hurts. A bandaid seems to satisfy him but I am wondering if this is why he likes to be carried all of the time. Does anyone have any experience with this or have any ideas?


Going Green
Well, I haven't had one that young (we adopted our son when he was older) but difficult child's feet used to hurt when he had a major growth spurt coming on. I suppose it could be that but it wouldn't hurt to take him to the doctor to have it checked. Is there any noticable signs of anything going on? Redness, swelling, rash, etc.


Well-Known Member
I would ask your pediatrician to check his gait. I'm a firm believer that having one physical or emotional problem doesn't negate the possibility that another physical problem from exisiting. Yes, I have muscular dystrophy. Just because MD doesn't cause Factor V Leiden (a blood clotting disorder) doesn't mean that I can't have Factor V, but you would be surprised at the number of educated people and doctors who want to brush the idea off. If at all possible, try to approach it with his pediatrician without bringing up any of his other issues that might distract him.


Well-Known Member
Miss KT's knees used to hurt when she was getting ready to outgrow everything she owned, as I used to put it. It can't hurt to get it checked out, though.


New Member
We had talked to the pediatrician about it and we were watching it because it is a little confusing since he cant give us great detail and seems to stop complaining about it with a bandaid. But he used to walk on his toes curled under and had a very wide gait so I am going to call this week and see if there is something we can do. We are also nervous cause hubby has MS


I would have it checked. There are rheumatic and other conditions that can happen in children. I had complaints as a child, but it was always viewed as a growth thing. I'm done growing and I still have them. It's better to be safe than sorry.


Active Member
Don't worry, there wouldn't be a connection with your husband's MS. But there COULD be a connection with the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). If he has hypermobile joints, which seems to happen with some kids with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), this could cause pain in larger joints especially, as well as extremity joints. How is he with holding/using a pencil? Will he happily scribble away or does he stop fairly soon? Does he complain of pain? What is his grip like?

Hypermobile joints could also cause (commonly) pain with writing tasks (later on) and difficulty with writing to the point where he could have to use a keyboard instead for schoolwork. From what I've seen - this seems to happen with a lot of hyperlexia cases as well as other high-functioning autistics and Aspies. It's bizarre to see a physical symptom like this for a neurological condition like Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD).

I recommend running ALL these possibilities past the doctor, see what they say. Maybe get an Occupational Therapist (OT) to check it out especially if you have to see one for something else. We still haven't got difficult child 3 to a rheumatologist although I think we need to sooner rather than later. I've found out about ring splints, they can help with hand issues although it's a bit late for difficult child 3. He's found his own ways of coping, including use of keyboard. He's a fast typist.

I hope you can get some answers.

As for why a bandaid makes it better - I suspect it's because he is less anxious therefore less tense and this could also be reducing his pain.



Roll With It
I am sorry he is hurting. I have read many articles and books on juvenile arthritis and other joint/muscle issues. Most all of them say that growing shouldn't hurt, and any persistent ache should be checked by a doctor. In my experience, even ortho docs brush off a lot of things as "growing pain". Even if they have persisted for months (or years like my thank you's knee aches - which are caused because his joints are hypermobile.)

Get the joints checked. We actually got more help on the joints from the Occupational Therapist (OT) who did his evaluation than anyone else. She is the one who keyed in on the hypermobile joints, and showed us how far past "normal" they moved. So she showed us ways to massage, and how to help him learn to move more normally, with-o hyperextending his joints. Maybe an Occupational Therapist (OT) or PT would be able to help some.

Just a thought.


New Member
I am calling first thing monday morning. I have hypermobility and I have back pain but he has always had low muscle tone issues. His fine motor skills are quite delayed so who knows. I just would feel better about checking it ou. i was just wondering if any of you have encountered this before. By the way, Midwest Mom he was on reperdil for about 2 weeks. He has been off of it for 2 months though.


Active Member
We've got it in all three of our younger kids - the hypermobility causing pain in the joints and also making them more at risk of injury. The fine motor - difficult child 3 and difficult child 1, yes. easy child 2/difficult child 2 is really good with fine motor but still has to guar her joints carefully and often straps her wrists or ankles to protect them from over-extension.

Maybe an Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment for him along with everything else?
