Poll: How many teens wake themselves up 4 school


New Member
This is an interesting question!! Since the middle of last year, our difficult child needs an hour of wake-up calls before he can remove himself from bed. His therapist has the idea that since he has gained a lot of weight and has sensory intergration issues, maybe sounds are iineffective in waking him up. Ironically, if he has to get himself up to do something he wants to do, he can set his alarm and spring out of bed.

And last irony: His sleep anxiety means for the last 6 months, he's been setting his cell phone alarm to go off at 3,4,5, AM. He says it helps him go to sleep that he knows he will be awakened and not die in the night.So the alarm goes off, AND HE DOESN"T WAKE UP!!! I DO! :grrr:I am the light sleeper in the family, so for the first 2 months of this, my suffering was met with denial on his part and humor on the part of husband. Not until the alarm started going off on weekend mornings did husband get into the act. Now I just take his phone before he goes to bed. Makes me the popular one around here. :rolleyes: Lucky me!!


New Member
My girl is not a morning person. She never would get out of bed in the morning as a young teen. It was a battle every day...some days, I had to drag her and some days she just refused to get up. Needless to say, her attendance was horrible. However, after Residential Treatment Center (RTC) and our sudden move to the desert southwest in fall 2005, she attended a public high school that started at 7:30 AM! I deliberately found a place to live right near the school so she could walk and I would not need to have anything to do with her getting to school. Amazingly, she set her alarm every night and was up and out by 7:00AM each day. Since then she has never needed any type of wake up from me.

I'm glad you started this topic. I had forgotten how terrible out mornings used to be. And it helps me see how far my girl has come in a few short years.


Well-Known Member
difficult child will set the alarm and get up...but...he can't be counted on
to take his morning pills right away. Any delay with the pills
and the day does not start right. We take the pills to him in
bed to swallow and THEN he gets himself up and at 'em.

All my lst batch of kids got up and out on their own, except
the one who is MOST conservative as an adult...he had to dance
with pot for about a year and couldn't pull out on time! easy child/difficult child
also couldn't do it when he was using substances.

Personally I would prefer that daytime start at noon and end at
midnight. I'm not swift in the morning! DDD

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
During the week for school easy child usually wakes herself up (this doesn't mean she gets ready on time-she is so slow in the morning it drives me crazy).

It will be interesting to see what difficult child does when he gets to be a teenager-he has never slept in his entire life!

Sara PA

New Member
I suppose I should mention that my son still doesn't schedule early classes if he can possibly avoid it and prefers to work late shift rather than early ones. Getting up early in the morning isn't necessary in the real world. Some people work nights and love it. And the rest of us should be happy they do.


New Member
easy child is middle-schooler and I have to drag out of bed each a.m. I think he likes the attention so he milks it. :) Next year he has to get ready for HS on his own!

difficult child is much easier to wake and often wakes up on his own. We have a set routine and deviation even a little can mess the a.m. up.
my oldest 3 all manage their mornings on their own. never had a problem with my girl, she'd cry if she was late lol. the boys tho...well their school last year was 2 miles away, i told them if they miss the bus they walk. i wont take them. and if they didnt go, they could do chores. like scrubbing out cuboards and washing walls and all sorts of busy work lol. which of course meant if they didnt do that they were grounded to their room during their favorite shows and stuff:p

they each missed the bus once:p and yes, they have to be to school before 730.

alarm clocks are such wonderful things:D