Saw difficult child in inpatient today...



AG - yep - campus "police" HA!

We've since learned that campus police exist for two reasons -

1) Great money making opportunity for the university - underage drinking/drug citations on campus equal revenue that's tied to tuition/registration/transcripts - so the kids pay up.

2) Great way to make on campus crime disappear. No public records of the thefts, sexual assaults, violence, etc - good for recruiting.



Campus police true story...

Was at my mom's years ago. She lives a block from a university. I take her two small dogs for a walk late one afternoon. A campus police car followed behind me the entire time...stalking my every move. Cause, ya know, a woman walking two yorkies is absolutely up to no good.

The next day, I walk them again. I see campus police in the bushes...shooting radar at passing cars. No car to go get speeders. Just clocking people.

Still shaking my head at them...


New Member
Sorry for the rough visit. I love that people here can give you such great insight and support. I hope it helps some. Praying he benefits from treatment and starts to mend his relationship with you.


New Member
I am so grateful for all of the support I'm receiving here. I called difficult child's counselor today and she said he is doing a lot of blaming right now which is quite obvious. He's doing well as long as I'm not there, so I will stay away until next Thursday when we have "family day". We're having a phone conference on Tuesday to discuss rules and consequences. I'm dealing with a major attitude from my 15 year old tonight, so now I'm stressed about him! It just never ends. All the great advice and kind words help so much.


I'm dealing with a major attitude from my 15 year old tonight, so now I'm stressed about him! It just never ends.

been there done that with my "at home" teenage boys. Unfortunately, my distress & aggravation with difficult child means I have much less tolerance with my younger boys. It is what it is. And my younger boy (15) has some of the same mannerisms as difficult child (they are brothers!) So when he gets frustrated and exhibits them - my alarm bells go off.

I've been pretty upfront with them. "Your brother has me at the end of my rope. Which means I am extra sensitive and may not always be fair. And - because I am am constantly wondering what we could have done to keep him on the straight and narrow - I am going to be a lot less lenient with you. I am sorry I can't cut you more slack. I know it's unfair but I can't help it. And you know how much anguish he has put us all through - so I would really appreciate it if you could cut me some slack and be good boys. I know you're not him and it's OK to screw up sometimes - but we all need to do our best. I'll try - so you try - K?"

Maybe I overshare with them and maybe I should be able to draw a cleaner line between him and them. But I can't and I feel that the least I can do is acknowledge it. And I do try to extend privileges to them that their brother did not have - because they have earned them. Esp my pc17 who has been really well behaved & gets good grades. And once in a while I remind him that he gets special privileges (that his older bro did not) because I notice and appreciate how well he is doing.

Winging it...

hope it works.

with you board sister!
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I'm glad that you talked to the counselor today so that you know where difficult child is at in the program. It sounds like you are getting good feedback about your difficult child, so you can be prepared for your next visit with him. Take care of yourself, and try to do something nice for yourself this weekend.

Sig: I think your comments to your younger kids are very honest and were the perfect thing to say. They have a great mom!