Scary night last night...panic attack / question


Spork Queen
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will check out the book. On the positive side, I actually slept from midnight to 3am last night. That is a GOOD night for me. :bravo:



Active Member
"Don't Panic" by Wilson Reid

yep this is a great one, in fact ant and I both read it and he still does. he has a lot of it highlighted.


(the future) MRS. GERE
Abbey, I had a panic attack one night where I thought I was having a heart attack. Then-husband had gone to bed but wasn't asleep yet. I made it upstairs (so I wouldn't die alone, you see), sat on the bed and told then-husband that I didn't know if I was having a panic attack or a heart attack. He patted me on the leg, rolled over and promptly went to sleep.

Is is any wonder that then-husband is now EX-husband? :grrr:



Spork Queen
haha...Suz. I will give husband some credit. He did stay up for the first hour to watch me, but then fell asleep.

I did give him the URL to the website so maybe he could understand more what is going on, and to hopefully be more supportive if that ever happens again. (fingers crossed it doesn't)

It's odd that I feel refreshed today after having a full 3 hours of sleep last night. :bravo: I'm shooting for 4 hours tonight.



call 911
Ab Beeeeeee

I followed buzzzzzzzzzzzzzy ewwends advice and had 12 glasses of wine. SEH IS RIAGHTY DITEY.......I haavnnnt a care in teh world AND I can not feeeeel my tose, tose? towes, tows, toe, toes.

pft, pphft, pfht, ppfftt, ? ffffft

~ I have always felt Laughter is the best medicine. Unless of course you have shot off your pinkey tose, tose? towes, tows, toe. THEN you better have WHHHHHHHhhhhhiskey.


Well-Known Member
Duckie was put on an antihistamine for sleep a few years back. It was supposed to help her relax and sleep. And it worked... for awhile. Then it made her even more nervous and anxious. She started wandering the house at night and hording stuff in her room. The medication was atarax. What a nightmare! :surprise: