Second psychiatrist appointment. for difficult child 2 today.


Well-Known Member
Later this afternoon we have another psychiatrist appointment. for difficult child 2. He has been on Intuniv for about six weeks now and so far his teacher has seen some improvement with his ADHD. Although she has to constantly re-direct him throughout the day, she says he is more responsive. I'm not so sure this is the medication for us. The fact that he consistently has to be put back on task does not sit well with me and I'm thinking psychiatrist should try something else. The insomnia side effect isn't getting any better either. I don't know what else the doctor will suggest, but I know that both him and I are trying to stay away from stimulants if we can. I really like this psychiatrist so I'm trusting his judgement either way. Anyway, wish us luck.


Californiablonde, Its like a hunt for the perfect type medication I guess. I wish you luck. :)


If insomnia is a side effect for him, absolutely a change is needed. The needing redirection may be his Asperger's. This may never go away. difficult child 1 is doing pretty well on his Strattera but there are still things that will distract him quite often. I have to settle for "at least he's not bouncing off walls" being the key. The inattention is better but it will never be 100% like neurotypical kids.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The inattention is better but it will never be 100% like neurotypical kids
Ummm.... even NT kids aren't at "100%" when it comes to attention.... <wink> It's just hard to know where exactly that dividing line is!