She PASSED!!!!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I'm so PROUD of Nichole.

She's worked her lil arse off in the EMT program. A huge struggle for her because of the dyslexia and the totally different way you have to study and use what you've learned.

Test after test she'd just barely pass and kept thinking she was stupid. I watched the familiar frustration set it and started worrying. Then she got her tutor and started learning how to study/what to study/and how to figure out the application type questions.

Nichole has been pouring into the books both with and without her tutor. She has been working her butt off and trying so darn hard my heart would break each and every test she'd fail by one point. Not fail in the normal sense, she'd get a 75 and you have to have a 76 to pass in the program. And I knew she knew the material because I'd also take her over it.

She studied her arse off for the final. Because if they don't pass the final, regardless of grade, they fail the course. The final is their certification test. After the test she thought she'd done well. Only to be crest fallen to discover she'd failed it terribly. (so did more than half the class)

Thank God there is an automatic retake. Nichole studied even harder.

And she passed!!! Not only did she pass.......She got a 92 percent!!! :D :D :D

Only problem is, with the retake the highest score allowed recorded is a 77 percent. (some sort of penalty for having to take it twice) I told her I didn't care. I am PROUD of her. And she should be too. It shows she is learning how to study, retaining the material, and is learning how to take the tests. :)

Now she only has her practicum test on sat. She's a nervous wreck. It has to be perfect. So it's back to the books. But she's thrilled.

My baby's gonna be an EMT. :D


Former desparate mom
Excellent! Achievement has a snowball effect. She will want that feeling again and again. Way To Go and congratulations.


Active Member
Way To Go!! Who cares what the grade is- she made it and now only has one more step!! KUDDOS!!


call 911



So now I can pass out when Dude graduates, and you'll, save me! :tongue:

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I just showed Nichole the post. She says Thank you to all of her board aunties.

And she asks you to hold good thoughts, and say a prayer for her tomorrow. She's scared to death.