shes' back in day hospital


Active Member
OK, then instead of telling Jen her daughter should be getting a certain dosage, why aren't people recommending that she stick to what this team is saying? Maybe I misintrepted but in another thread jJen said she raised a dosage even though doctors wanted it to stay the same. That lead me to wonder if they even knew about it- and yes, it can effect behavior.


New Member
hi guys............

soooo here's the deal. klmno i'm not sure if you were with us since princeton. she was hospitalized there and tanked miserably their methods were more proven for kids with aneroxia and bullimia. food phobia's kinda hard to cure yet totally curable for MOST kids. I didn't give up at all I questioned constantly because that's just me thank god i do!! lol. yet i only took that kid out when they discharged her. followed treatment plan if you remember to the point they had her totally doped up on several different medications and out of it covered in pee when i got her out and had lost 12 pounds in the program.

soooo anyway than we returned home and began with the team if found. she did kinda well in the beginning yet faltered again once the lady refeeding therapist left on vacation. didn't back down on that treatment other her body just got too physically sick to continue with-the method at home and had to get a tube put in.

where i am now........ the continuing soga is a place that i'd post name yet 'im not allowed to. i'Tourette's Syndrome their thing. it's the only place in all of the u.s. that has a protocol for treating food phobia. small was just lucky and had some great doctors and knew how to go about it. it' worked thank god for her first time out. different kids too react differently. my difficult child is umm a handful.

so anyway that's the back up on us and our pathetic life. :) i've committed to each program she's been in. and i decided to stay because me personally i need to know in my gut that this kid has completed meals for more than 1 week before i go take off back home. the turning point for me was when the girl who eats with her stated how she hesitated with breakfast and lunch LAST WEEK prior to the you get to go home.

anyhow so tha'Tourette's Syndrome that.


New Member
and tonight at dinner as i typed she had a total meltdown. i stood my ground gave it zero attetion she cursed me, she shoved plate in my face, she moved table. as all the ronald mcdonald ppl watched. i said to her simply here's the deal. if you refuse to eat today, tmrw. by wednesday you'll be back in hospital, tube will be put back in and i'm giong home to see the other kids and my husband. so it really is in your control.

guess what she did after 35 min of that?? she is eating her food. and now i'm giving her attention. i read smalls' link last night about this kinda junk and im learning slowly