Smoke signal to HaoZi


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how the cutting-down on the evil weed (maybe even banning it for good, alleluia!) was going, HaoZi?


Shooting from the Hip
The patch just gave me acid-trip dreams... Even when I wasn't wearing it...

Good luck though!!!
REALLY good luck to this your first time?

it took me major surgery and a 5 day stint in the hospital to give it up and i still think about it every day....

i regularly tell anyone who will listen that its going to take one thing to tip my precarious scale in the opposite direction...
with two difficult child's i'm usually this.close.


New Member
the evil weed?? i saw this post and began to laugh... i was like what is haozi doing?? omg

good luck! be careful with-patch and smoking. it isnt' easy i smoke also and not ready to give it up yet. it's my only vice and i'm holding onto it for now. proud of you guys though


Step, I'm a vivid and lucid dreamer already, adding a little extra just gives me more writing material.
Confuz, I've tried numerous times, managed to quit once for about 9 weeks a couple of years ago.
Jen, I appreciate the concern. I also know it takes a lot more to give me nicotine poisoning, lol.
Malika, thanks for checking up on me!