Sniper being executed

I can't imagine the terror that everyone went through during that period, as you couldn't even leave your houses for fear of a random sniper shooting. But, back in the 1980's we had our very own Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez, and he would come through people's doors and windows. He too, had no specific group he targeted. He raped and killed young girls, men and women close to 80. One of the killings was two miles from my house. I was so frightened during that period and was never so glad a bunch of people jumped him and beat him up until the cops arrived. He was one spooky guy with the blackest, empty eyes.....shudder...

Anyways, hasta la vista.


call 911
Jo -
I actually LIKE your idea better than euthenasia. (truth be told) If that makes me a meanie too then scooch over sister. There is an interesting case right now in Iran of a young woman who was burned by a man with acid in her face and blinded. They gave her a choice of her abuser - either monetary compensation for life, or eye for an eye - literally. She chose eye for an eye. I'm not sure if he has had it done but they are to burn both his eyes out with the same acid he burned hers out with AND burn and disfigure his face just like hers. She said she felt that would teach him more than if he had to pay her money. I think she's right.

In her case I think that works.