So, Who Wants To Know What Happened To The Baby?


New Member
at our school, yes the kids had to bring the dolls crying or not to ALL classes. No matter if their classmates were currently in the project or not. Some of the teachers got a little irate with the kids with the dolls if the dolls cried a lot. The gym teachers especially hated the project cuz the kids had to tend to the dolls somehow and still also participate in gym class....which again is not very "real world" becuz here our teen mothers do NOT bring their children TO class.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh lets face it, this is not going to be exactly like real life. It cant be. Nothing can simulate what a baby is like when it has that messy diaper from hades all up and down its back in the little sleeper or when they are teething and nothing will soothe them. They cant program in the first time the kid rolls over on the couch and falls off.

Of course, they also cant program in all the good things either. They cant show the first time the baby actually turns their head when she hears your voice or the very first real smile. Or the way her eyes light up when you walk in at the end of the day. It cant program how quickly they learn to imitate the adults around them. Or the way she loves her bath.

Naw...those babies arent real life. I will take real life any day.


New Member

The way difficult child 2 explained it, was that you get the baby and keep it for 2 full days.

You have your choice of the weekend, Friday to Sunday, or yes, two school days.

And yes, if you chose the school days, you took it to school with you. And yes, the baby cries, all the time. I honestly don't see how any kid could make it without losing academically through school days.



New Member
Janna, why are you going to the grocery store at 5am?? :smile: girlfriend!! I too get up at 5am during the week, but not on the weekend (it's 6 - 7am on Sat/Sun), and not for groceries. Food is not that important, unless I'm out of espresso. :coffee:


New Member
Ever gone to the grocery store at 2 PM with 4 kids and a significant other?

If I go when the kids are up, it's a guarantee at least TWO of the 4 will want to go.

I don't want them to go LOL! Then they "need" stuff they don't really need, want junk I don't want to buy, and it's a big PITA.

It sounds awful, but it's actually really nice. I bring all my coupons, all the stuff on sale or discontinued is in stock because nobody has been in the store yet, and I pretty much have the grocery store to myself. I like it (and yeah, I'm mentally unstable).



New Member
When I was in High School we did this project with a raw egg and we were paired off into male females couples who had to share custody of our out of wedlock born "egg". I think it is a valuble experience and may help to contribute to kids thinking twice about having unproteced relations. I do feel however that the parents should have needed to sign off in agreement about participating in the project. I think my mom needed to agree to even foster the "raw egg" I had. There was a ducumentary several years back where they gave these babies to high risk girls for a week and then followed up with them years later, the experince had such an effect on these girls that "statistiaclly" fewer of these girls got pregnant then expected and they all atributed it to the "baby for a week" project. But again, parents should be on board.
easy child is only 8 so I have a long time before one of these nasty things comes to my house. But kjs -- I laughed 'til I cried about the 98% "good care" while breaking its neck 12 times. Maybe my sense of humor is totally warped now, but I did enjoy that laugh, so here's my thanks.

Glad everyone survived their doll experiences!


Well-Known Member
Ooooh, that's awful! Don't these teachers realize that they should think twice about an assignment that affects the entire family?

Luckily, my easy child got a 5 lb bag of sugar (this was church, not school), which was very quiet the whole time. She decorated it with-blonde paper hair and ribbon, and gave it a name. After a couple of days she left it on her bed and forgot about it. I wasn't so much worried about her lack of parenting skills as I was about bugs!!!

How horrible!!! After reading your update, I'm sooooo glad we don't have this program in our school!!! I don't know how you made it to 8:30 p.m.!!!

If I had to go through it, I only hope I would have been as smart as you to think of sticking the doll in the trunk of your car.

I hope the foster mother gets to ENJOY the baby, lol :rofl:!!! WFEN


New Member
Janna, I have to tell you this story. My godson who is now 39 years old did a similar project in I think the ninth grade. They didn't have the dolls back then they used eggs. they had to cary this egg around for a week! Some of the kids were really into it they even made clothes for their egg. If the egg hadn't broken by the end of the week the kids passed the project.
My godson's friend came home the first day and hardboiled his!!
:rofl: He failed because what the kids didn't know was that the teacher would break each egg at the end of the week to make sure they hadn't done just that. The next year he hard boiled all the eggs and just looked for cracks in the shell -RM


Well-Known Member
He failed because what the kids didn't know was that the teacher would break each egg at the end of the week to make sure they hadn't done just that. The next year he hard boiled all the eggs and just looked for cracks in the shell

Ooooh, I was thinking that if I were a student, that's the first thing I'd do... and then I read the rest of the note. Oh well! :whistle: