
New Member
House arrest for my difficult child was by a probation officer, for one month, and
very strict for a first time offense of domestic battery against his sister,
as a juvenile. Our house arrest was INSIDE completely and no internet

Since I held custody, I placed difficult child with his paternal grandparents.
It was the best place for him. If I wouldn't have agreed, then he
would have been made a ward of the state. Grandparents were not
happy to see a police car checking on difficult child two or more times a day.
Oh what will the neighbors say!!! LE did enjoy grandma's cookies
and the likes. LOL.

I'm glad you got it all worked out Klmno, and I am proud of you for keeping
the rules in place for him. And every damn parent Needs to discuss birth
control, in my humble opinion. I'm sure this hasn't been at bit easy on you or your family.
the rest of your family.