Student of the Month


Active Member
I am proud to announce...Tigger was chosen as Student of the Month!!! He was nominated due to showing great responsibility with his work and his behavior :)

He is so proud of himself. He dressed up today to get his picture taken to hang up at school (and they often run them in the local paper, let's hope his school is picked this month!).


Well-Known Member
That's just awesome. I am so happy for your family and particularly for him. A victory like that can impact life's future as self-esteem climbs and provides confidence. Congrats! DDD


Going Green
Woo Hooooo!!!! Way to go Tigger!!!

If his school isn't picked for the newspaper and if you can swing it, I would consider doing it yourself. You can put it in the classifieds like a Happy Ad or something. I'm sure he'd love it! (And be sure to buy multiple copies to send to relatives.)


New Member
Awesome! Things like this can really be turning points.

I agree about buying an ad yourself if they don't run it - everybody needs positive reinforcement to motivate them to do even better, but difficult child:s even more so. Again, just awesome.


Active Member
Tigger was thrilled with the award ceremony and the school pen they gave him. "Mom, they are showing me respect! at school! I can't believe it!" :)