Teen sexually active


Roll With It
It is very common for girls to have a hard time discussing sexual issues with their dads. I still vividly remember the say my father wanted to talk about sex with me. Mom had taught me about it starting 4 yrs earlier and he watned to start in a way that would be more on the level of a kindergartener. We both felt embarrassed, and I didn't say much, but looking back it is a memory that shows me how much he loves me. He was willing to openly discuss sex even though his parents never did with him, and it was so clearly hard for him.

In this case, talk with your wife. See what her opinion is as to what/when/if you should speak to her.

Make SURE that she knows to NEVER EVER trust a guy who doesn't want to use a condom. It is very very common for a guy to claim that he is clean, that he is only involved with her, and he is still sleeping with other people. Lots of teens and 20 somethings think this is either funny or the way life "should" be. These guys tend to be very jealous because they think that the woman is wanting to do what they are doing - even if she is totally unaware of his other bedmates. It happens in countries all over the world as many men think it is their "right' somehow.

Vent here anytime - we truly do care and understand.


Active Member
Susie, you are so right. It is one of my long-term favourite phrases - "People suspect other people of their own worst crimes". So a philanderer will accuse his wife of being unfaithful. A thief is always scared of being robbed. A deceitful person never trusts others.

And as my daughter discovered - a boyfriend who is always jealous and doesn't trust her, always insisting she prove her fidelity - is probably being unfaithful. And infecting her, as it turned out.
