The Hades Virus

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Nope. Not tested for mono. Won't say it's not possible......except I've pretty much been a hermit this winter. So Travis would've probably had to bring it home.

No barking whoop to it either, and I know what that sounds like. And titer still says I'm immune. No flu shot, I won't do them.

Cough seems somewhat better today. *knocks on wood, prays I haven't just cursed myself* I seem to be coughing junk up easier.

Wish I could say the weakness is better. I don't do too bad if I park myself in a chair, I get hit with periodic waves of it that way........but moment I stand up is another story. I know it's not from lack of sleep. I've slept much of my 4 day weekend away. ugh Could be due to the kidney's being over taxed due to fighting the virus. I have this issue to a much much lesser degree on a normal basis just due to the renal failure.....caused by a severe folic acid deficiency.

If I don't start feeling better soon I'll have to go get checked if for no other reason than to make sure the kidney function is ok. Blah hate to do to the docs.......lord only knows what I'll pick up if I have to go. lol

It's supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope like heck that doesn't get the sinuses started up again, that's the last thing I need.


Well-Known Member
I hope by now you're feeling a tiny bit better. You need rest, I know you're doing a lot of child care, and I hope you find time to just do nothing and heal. It's awful being so sick, especially with that cough and flu-type thing going around. easy child has a fever and cannot even move his head at the moment. I hope your husband brings you medicine, tea and all your food while you rest under your covers. (Ok we can dream!) Seriously REST! Drink fluids and go to dr.'s if you aren't getting better!


Active Member
Before I had whooping cough, I had mono (stellar 2010 year) - and your symptoms sound similar to mine. Especially the weakness. It is a simple blood test, might be worth it although if it is mono, there is nothing you can do except rest. For me it just gave me the peace of mind I wasn't dying:)


Former desparate mom
My first thought was pertussis. (whooping cough). Glad Steely brought that up.
I don't know much about virus that last that long, but could be, but maybe a residual cough? I don't like to bring it up but if you smoke daily, it retards the healing on any body part but especially of your lungs. It will just continue to be inflammed and irritated.
There are plenty of citizens who think immunizations are for the uninformed, despite the warnings put out by the CDC.
If you have ever seen a baby with pertussis you would run to get them immunized. It's heart breaking to see them struggle so hard.


Well-Known Member
I think that I have had the adult whooping cough several times because of how horribly I have coughed and the fact that I would be able to catch my breath if I went out into cold air and then into steamy rooms...that combo thing that everyone always suggested for croup. I literally barked like a seal until I was hoarse and would wet myself. It was awful. I keep depends or poise pads in the house because we never know when I am going to get those attacks but thankfully I have made it through this year without it. (Crossing fingers and knocking on wood!)

I have also found that taking both phenergan or vicodin help with coughing. Maybe methadone does too and that is why I dont cough? Who knows. I do get a slight cold or cough once a blue moon but nothing major.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Today is a better day.

Still coughing, but so far nothing like before and getting junk up with much less effort. The overwhelming weakness is not there. Ok, not going to like go through and do a major clean on the whole house.......but I can do things without feeling like I'm going to collapse at any second.

*knocks on wood* (I'm afraid I'm going to jinx it)

Now poor lil Connor has a very nasty cough. Glad I have the portable crib downstairs where I can keep a close eye on him. Before I went to lay Brandon down......he was choking on his mucous. Not coughing, choking. He's rattling up a storm, lungs full. Going to have to let easy child know.........they need to get him seen. He's too little to not be watched closely.


Well-Known Member
Lisa, my grandson (with the perpetually snotty nose) gets that a lot too. He gets it even when he's not sick with something else. My daughter is a nurse and she got him a little machine to give him breathing treatments at home. I'm not sure exactly what kind of machine it is or if it has any kind of medication in it or if it's just steam but it does help him quite a bit. It has tubing and a little mask-like thing to go over his nose and mouth - of course he will have none of that so she just holds it in front of his nose and lets him breathe in the mist. He HATES it and will squirm and fight and cry because he's "busy" and doesn't want to be restrained that long, but pretty soon he settles down when he realizes that it's helping him and he's breathing easier. I don't know if he's been officially diagnosed with asthma yet, but it's coming!


Well-Known Member
I have one of those nebulizers Donna. We have a chicken mask for Keyana to use and a regular tube type for adults but to be honest all of us like the chicken I have albuterol for the medication in the machine and thats what we use for all of us. Of course it was prescribed just for me but I give all of use treatments when I feel its Keyana was prescribed one at her house too but since I have one here we dont have to lug hers from house to house. She is so good about doing the treatments she will just put the little mask around her head and turn the machine on herself and sit in a chair and either watch tv or color until time is up. She wasnt always though. First time we did one, she cried and cried. We told her that was okay, more she cried the better it was to get the medicine She didnt like that idea!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

Brandon has the perpetual snotty nose too, as well as a fairly bad case of psoriasis inherited from husband. I think the nose is due to allergy.......and I won't be surprised if that is from the cats. easy child had 4 at one point, is now down to 2. easy child is good about keeping the house neat.......but I don't think she vacuums often enough to keep pet dander up. Been nagging her since he was an infant to have pediatrician doctor look into allergies for the lil guy. But she's being stubborn.

Also noticed that the worse his nose is......or if he's caught some bug.......the skin rash thing is quickly worse.

Good thing is that it rarely reaches his chest.

Conner I'm worried might have caught what I had. easy child said she's keeping the vaporizer going in his room and keeps the baby monitor turned up loud even though she's right across the hall to make sure if he chokes she'll wake and here him. I forgot easy child has to wait until her insurance kicks in and that will be a while yet. ugh If he gets worse she'll run him to the ER, but she's trying to avoid it if possible.

But I'll tell ya if I get it back, easy child is gonna hear about it.


Well-Known Member
I think Ethan's is probably from allergies too. His mom had asthma and really bad allergies as a kid and took the shots for years. She still has them but not nearly as bad as when she was a kid, and her husband has allergies too. Poor Ethan didn't stand a chance and he's not even two yet! He's also very allergic to peanuts but I think food allergies are different. They do have pets but they keep their house very clean and before he was even born they replaced all their carpet with hardwood floors. He's just destined to be snotty nosed.