The IEP is garbage



I'm not even sure where to start. First, I guess I should mention that Wynter attends a public charter school that is online.

I wasn't given notification of the IEP meeting. I received an email reminder the day before and I responded that I couldn't make that meeting because of a doctor appointment. So, the teacher's held the meeting then the SpEd (DEC) teacher and I talked a couple of days later.

I just received a copy of the IEP in the mail for me to sign and I know I have cognitive issues, but this is not what we discussed. You can tell they just used a standard form and changed the name. The name used in the Goal line is Jordan. Not my daughter.

Here or the Benchmarks or Short-Term Objectives:

A. Given an academic assignment calendar for each week at a time, Wynter will check off each assignment completed at the end of each week and submit it to the DEC teacher, every week that school is in session. (As one must track bills and pay them on time.)

News to me. In fact, when I asked if there was such an animal that we could get so Wynter could better schedule her day, I was told there wasn't. So, we decided that instead of working on each subject everyday, that she would work on one class everyday so she could just keep going and not get flustered and overwhelmed with trying to schedule her time without knowing how long each assignment will take. That is absent from the IEP. I was told that she would have to complete the full week for each class in that day then. Which seems odd because she has to be on and working 5 days a week, but there are only 4 classes. Further, we have never received an academic assignment calendar

B. Wynter will contact teachers if help is needed, so that no assignment will be late or missing unless the teacher has been contacted to request help, this will be done 90% of the time for every week that school is in session. (As one must seek assistance in the workplace as needed.)

C. Given teacher contact information, Wynter will initiate contact via email, phone, or VoIP at least 1 time weekly for every week that school is in session. (As one must communicate with employers regularly.)

D. Wynter will attend and participate in (by talking, emailing or IMing) at least 1 Elluminate session with other students (gen ed and/or DEC) every week that school is in session.

E. In a group setting, Wynter will share own opinions and ideas confidently in 4 out of 5 consecutive VoIP sessions.

In an earlier section of the IEP labeled Behavior it says: Wynter tends to be shy and hold back verbally. Wynter's subdued behaviors may inhibit her in succeeding academically as she will not be able to let her thoughts and knowledge be known to others including teachers.

There is nothing in there about how they are going to help her achieve these goals. Just that she needs to acheive them. Further, they are stonewalling on speech therapy which is a HUGE impediment to her active participation in the Elluminate sessions and phone calls. And what's with the comparing this to work thing? She's 13. That's another thing. They want her to sign the IEP, too. Does she have to at 13?

In addition, it says that she doesn't need help with math, but the tutoring company that the SD paid for last year showed large areas of problems and her tutor turned in documentation of Wynter's weaknesses and requested more tutoring because it took longer to get concepts across than time was allotted. This is something that was highlighted by the neuropsch - that Wynter can get complex problems (as seen in higher grade math), but that it takes longer and more repetition.

And then there's this. Wynter has gotten behind on her schoolwork because of the "Emotional Disturbance" that has her qualified for an IEP. I have been in constant contact with every single one of her teachers - daily. Yet, I get a letter in the mail stating that Wynter isn't doing her work and I haven't responded to numerous attempts to contact me and I had 2 choices: sign a contract stating she will do X,Y,Z or withdrawing her. Before that letter arrived (it came today), I received a voicemail Friday that if Wynter didn't do X,Y,Z by Monday that she would be withdrawn from school. Wouldn't that constitute a change of placement?

So, I want to ask for the teachers to initially initiate contact with Wynter until Wynter feels comfortable contacting them. I want speech therapy. I want modifications or one-on-one Elluminate sessions with her math teacher if needed in order for Wynter to grasp the math concepts (she did test below proficient in Math last year on the state proficiency). (by the way, Elluminate is a program that allows for an interactive 'classroom'.) I want additional time to turn in assignments to allow for the days that Wynter cannot maintain well enough to complete an entire days work.

Does any of this sound unfair? Anything else you think I should ask for (besides removing the name Jordan from my daughter's IEP :rolleyes:)?


Well-Known Member
I've got to run up and hop in the shower and wake the kids. I am shocked by some of what I am reading here. I want to come back and read this again once I get to the office. In the meantime, could you clarify something for me, please?

Does Wynter on-line school at home (exclusively) through the umbrella of a charter school?



Unless you signed a notice of meeting waiver, the meeting is probably void. You'd have to check your state regs, but I believe the minimum requirement is 5 days notice.

Wouldn't that constitute a change of placement?

Yes, it would.

besides removing the name Jordan from my daughter's IEP

Let me get the 1st cup of HMJ down, and I'll reread this. These are the 3 things that jumped out at me the first read-thru. Geez.............


The Charter school is an online school, so yes she does attend it exclusively.


Does she have to at 13?

No. When I get this from the sd, I initial it and write-in "difficult child is a minor."

On course, don't sign the IEP. "Reconvene" the IEP meeting.

You have some valid points, I'm just not sure how the sd would implement some of them in that the point of performance is in the home environment.


Well-Known Member
Maybe this other kid, Jordon, is of legal age and they didn't take the requirement of a student signature out either? Just a guess.

Sheila gave you the only answer that makes any sense - don't sign the IEP and reconvene the meeting!




Yeah, I'm going to reconvene.

The performance part may take place at home, but there are still things that she requires from the SD. It is still a public school.

Normally with this SD, I wouldn't even worry about it. In the past, they have been wonderful about accommodating every child, IEP or not. But, this year has been different. In addition, her DEC teacher is new to the SD this year and to be honest, she hasn't really done anything. Plus, add in that what we discussed is not in the IEP and what is in the IEP is not what we discussed. Prior to this, my only real goal was just to keep an IEP in place so if she returns to a regular brick and mortar school next year (which is Wynter's goal), she'll continue to have the protections.

I don't want to get adversarial or make ridiculous demands. I just want what was discussed to be in the IEP and have clear goals and how they plan to help Wynter achieve those goals. The math issue is going to have to be in the IEP because her math teacher seems to be the one that is not at all willing to accommodate Wynter and that's the area where she needs the most help.