Today is IEP day!



Hello Everyone!

I just want to let you guys know that I FINALLY get to have B2's IEP for Early Childhood Special Education today @ 4:00. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that everything goes as previously planned. (Since this is a reschdule from late Dec. due to the schools being closed for a snow day)The school psychologist did e-mail me the reports from his evaluations and it appears that they are thinking of placing him under "OHI" Other Health Impairment to make him qualify for the program... they don't want to give him the EI label since he is only 4 (thank GOD!) It also appears from the report that he will also qualify for Occupational Therapist (OT) and PT due to his fine/gross motor delays--- now the only question is in reguards to his placement... I would love for him to be able to continue in gen. ed 1 hour per day (with his current preschool teacher) and be in spec. ed for the other 2 hours per day... The great thing is if he goes into the ECSE program he will get schooling 5 - 1/2 days per week instead of 3 and he would get bussing. (Plus then I wouldn't be required to pay regular preschool tuition either) I will let everyone know how things turn out.


Good Luck. Just remember that if you don't like ANY of their suggestions, YOU have the final say, not them. I hope things go the way you are hoping. If not, stand strong for your kid. Keep us posted.


The meeting yesterday went very well. B2 is going to be in the ECSE program starting on Monday. He will be mainstreamed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays into his regular preschool class for 2-2 1/2 hours and then will be in ECSE for 1/2 - 1 hour on those days. On Tuesdays and Thursdays he will remain in the ECSE classroom for the full 3 hour session. He also will begin to receive PT (3-4 tmes per month) and Occupational Therapist (OT) (3-6 times per month) services for his delay in fine & gross motor skills... Which is very excited news! He will also get transportation to and from school, so he seems excited about getting to ride the school bus. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that he will transition ok into this new program and doesn't have too many new behavior problems. I guess time will only tell... I will keep everyone posted on how he is doing.


Active Member
Well done Mom! I'm really glad that things worked out so well for you and the little guy!



Way to go warrior mom. Since there haven't been any new posts lately, I can only assume things are going well so far?!?


B2 has been doing GREAT with his new teacher, going to school everyday, and riding the bus! I think that out of the 3 weeks he has been in the ECSE program yesterday was the first day that he had a rough time there! I have been REALLY impressed with his new teacher and that he has been transisitoning well going back and forth on Mon., Wed., Fri. between his regular ed. classroom and spec. ed. It makes me soooo happy to know that ALL of my hard fighting has really paid off!