Trinityroyal, Dancin' Fool!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Those of you who've been following the weekly updates have been hearing about my adventures in dance class.

At last night's class, husband took some videos of me and my teacher. I promised I'd share, so I'm sharing.

This is Salsa, my favourite dance.
<Now that it's been about a week, I'm taking the link down. Thanks everyone. Trinity>



Former desparate mom
Trinity, I'm so jealous. I always wanted to learn to dance. Looks like you are having a great time. Good for you.


Thanks so much for sharing this!!! I love to see board members enjoying themselves, actually having a "life" without difficult children.

I've always wanted to learn how to dance too. Sometimes I think I have two left feet, lol...!!!

Thanks again for sharing. WFEN


Mom? What's a difficult child?
OMG!!! Yes jealous... you look so smooth... I have actually got husband to "talk" about a dance class. I would prefer a salsa or mambo or some kind of Latin move your hips shake your booty dance!!!
That looks fun, but you make it look SO easy.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Wowsers! You are one great dancer! :yourock::cutie_pie::princess::happyguy::whistle:

I'm jealous too. Even if I could afford lessons I'd be too chicken to taken them. I'm too self conscious.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I really love to dance (which, strangely enough, is the name of my dance studio)

It's funny...I have learned that how well I dance really depends on my dance partner. Since the man leads, if I'm dancing with someone really good, he just puts me where I'm supposed to be. I stand tall, smile, and everything just falls into place. My teacher has been dancing for years and years, and he makes me look good.

Last Tuesday night, at the group lesson, I was paired with a lovely young man who has no idea that his feet are attached to his body. The two of us were crashing into each other, crashing into other dancers, and at one point we both fell on the floor in a heap. He had such a great attitude, and smiled the whole time, that I couldn't be embarrassed. We just picked ourselves up and kept going.

:cutie_pie: Whee!


New Member
How cool is that!!!!! I'm following along with the jealous ones! I so wish I could dance like that! You look wonderful!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You look fahbulous, dahlink! So, is hubby learning so he can lead you around?

Thanks MB!
Hubby is just past the mid-point of a medically supervised weight loss program. (only about 100 lbs left to go!). As soon as he gets medical clearance, he will be joining me in dance lessons.

I can't wait!


Loving Abbey 2

Not really a Newbie
WOW you look great!! I have to also add, I am green with envy!! It's so good that you are doing something you love and are good at!!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

That's so wonderful that husband is going to join you in lessons when he gets cleared for it!

Um, think he could come give my husband a big whack on the head just to get him OUT of the recliner??? lmao