Tyler arrested


Active Member
I'm so sorry Sue. Chicago's Juvie Hall is pretty rough, it might have done him some good to spend time there. I wish parents had some input into the punishments :frown:

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm sorry thank you is making the choices he is making and continuing not to learn from them. It's great you and husband are on the same page. Many gentle hugs and prayers too.


I admire how your at the acceptance stage. We do all these things with treatments and medications and our hearts are continually broken. I'm trying to detach in little steps; i suppose that's he way it's supposed to be. I don't have much to say except to give you a cyber hug xo Michele<


Active Member
I just wanted to send huge hugs!!!! You are incredible!!! Keep up the amazing focus and attitude!!!! thank you is lucky to have a mom like you!!!


Active Member
So sorry this happened. I myself "just don't get it". How do they expect live for the moment kids to learn anything by waiting until the get so many points? And ALL kids are live for the moment, very few look that far in the future, and for difficult children even less so. The behavior is right this moment, the punishment has to be right this moment. Waiting until points are used up just gives them a sense of nothing will happen to me, and then they're so puzzled when the list is finally too long and they get the book thrown at them. The see the one last thing they did to get in trouble for, and can't figure out why the punishment is so harsh for that when nothing happened for the rest. They don't see it as a sum total of what you've done to date, that stuff is long forgotten. I understand that they're trying to give a kid a chance to straighten out, but unless they learn the consquences what is the motivation to do that?