Update on my son who attempted suicide.


New Member
Thank you everyone for the additional comments and concerns.

My son was discharged from the pyschiatric hospital today. His Mom and I then moved his stuff out of his dorm room and withdrew him from college for this semester. He agrees he needs to work on himself before going back to school...He said this whole thing (suicide attempt, hospital stay and seeing other drug users in the hospital) was very eye opening to him and he's DONE with smoking cigarettes, Pot and ALL drugs. He says the Old Man is gone and New Man has come. I encouraged him to carry it threw and warned him about his friends potentially pulling him back into it, unless they changed their ways also, whereby, he may need to ditch them.

I'd still like him to check into (voluntarily) another longer term inpatient treatment facility, but we'll see how things go for the next week. He's currently taking Zoloft and in counseling. I'm going to be encouraging him to write down some realistic short/long term goals and consider his job opportunities and future education/career.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi David,

It sounds promising. Hopefully this was a huge wake-up call. Is he planning to go to NA/AA meetings? If he is not going to go to an longer term inpatient treatment center, how about intensive outpatient? I think that he is going to need a lot of support to continue going in the right direction.

You'll need support, too. Keep posting and we'll be here to listen.



Well-Known Member

It's encouraging that he is accepting that he has a problem and is willing to work on it. With all my heart I hope this plan works but just in case you should have a back up plan. Addiction is very powerful and all his good intentions may not be enough. It is agrat start though.



New Member
He will definitely be going to counseling each week, but not any NA/AA meetings. However, if he should relapse and begin smoking pot and/or using other drugs, he's aware of the consequences.

I hope and pray he sticks to his commitment and is truly a changed person, especially after seeing all the negative examples in the psychiatric hospital and his close call with death.


New Member
I dont doubt him at all. I just have never known one person, and I have many in my life (though not a parent so I can't put myself in your shoes) who has done it on their own or with weekly therapy... But I do know many who tried that at first. Most people relapse and we were told to expect that. THe motivation is there at first and then it wears off and the desires come back. But he had this huge dramatic thing that may be a game changer so I am praying it is for him.

My dad did it on his own (drinking) and he ended up a dry drunk, had many of the same irrational behaviors but did not drink. Until we all went to counselling it was kind of rough at times. So it is wonderful he is willing to do the counseling. I think he is super lucky to have you as parents. He sounds like he is a good kid who really got caught up in it. I hope he can be strong and really work his program. Does he do any other activities, sports, biking, running etc... to help channel his energy and focus on healthy ways of living?

I'm so glad that your son is willing to work on his problems, and learn how to live a healthy life without drugs. I'm sure that the psychiatric hospital was a huge wake-up call for him, and what drugs can do to completely ruin his life. My difficult child was only in a psychiatric hospital for 3 days one time, but the whole experience really scared him. It didn't help my son to stop his drug problem, but he definitely realized that he never wanted to go to another psychiatric hospital again. Is your son moving back home to live with you and your wife? I hope that you can continue to check in here with updates about your son and his progress. There will probably be many ups and downs until he is free of using drugs, but you are off to a good start. I am sending good wishes to your family. :)


New Member
Hi David thanks for the update. Your son's thought proces is encouraging. Therapy is a must so I would make that one of your top priorities when you make up that list of expectations. My son is home from psychiatric ward since 3weeks now. He is doing well has a great attitude medication compliant etc. but I still have not let my guard down. Honeymoons can last months afterall. I am wishing all good things for you, your wife and your son.


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I would strongly encourage him to attend an AA or NA meeting, and offer to go with him. Maybe even make it a condition of living there. I believe he has the best intentions, and I'm glad he's in therapy, but unless the therapist is an addiction specialist, it's still going to be a difficult road and he may be tempted to self-medicate again. I really believe that without being involved in a recovery program of some sort (in addition to therapy), chances are very good that he'll start using again.

Keeping you all in my thoughts.


New Member
Quick update - My son is currently staying with his mom (we're divorced) which is for the best, since she doesn't work and can watch over him more. Fortunately, she and I are amicable and live about 15 minutes apart, so I can visit him anytime at her house. So far, he's doing fine. We'll see what the coming days/weeks bring though...hopefully, it will all be good, including being successful in NOT returning to smoking, Pot and any other drugs.


New Member
Nice that you can both be there for him. He is a lucky boy. Did you say if you had a plan if he does go back to his old patterns? Does he know the plan? Just wondering. Sounds like he really wants the help. Hope counseling is going well.


New Member
Buddy, My son understand the consequences if he begins to smoke pot again and/or use other drugs. He told me again today that he has no desire to smoke pot or cigarettes or experiment with other drugs. I believe him at this point.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update. I'm glad that he is doing well. I hope that he will reconsider going to NA/AA. It might be helpful to you to attend a Al-Anon/Narc-Anon meeting to get some ideas about how to help him stay on the right track.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update David. I'm glad he is doing well and doesn't want to use drugs however please remeber that even though he doesn't want to, often times that is harder to accomplish. I hope he is one of those that got a wakeup call but I hope you have a backup plan...just in case.

Sending good thoughts.



New Member
My son was admitted to an inpatient facility (XXX) yesterday, that specializes in dual diagnoses treatment (depression and drugs). He was very willing to go, because he realized he needed the help. The staff gave us a tour of the facility and we were impressed with what they have to offer. He may be there for a few months, which he's all for.

I'll let you know how it turnouts.
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Well-Known Member
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Thanks, I have thought about you and your son and always send prayers and warm wishes. Sounds promising. And the fact that he is willing to go is just wonderful, I am smiling. A few months also sounds good for you and for him, he will be cared for and he will be safe. God bless.


New Member
I was really wondering about you so thanks! Very relieved to hear he was willing to go for help and you found a dual diagnosis place for him to attend. Yes, please do keep us updated. You will remain in my prayers.


Well-Known Member
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That is wonderful news!! The facility looks very impressive. I'll keep your son in my thoughts and please give us updates on how things are going.
