Very interesting read


New Member
Yes, the state of healthy living and food resources on our planet is very unbalanced.

On my limited income, I come in at $70.00 a week for groceries for 1 adult woman of "a certain age" and 1 19 year old. No pre packaged or processed food and few snack items.
Thanks for posting this. A very eye opening look at how unbalanced and unfair our world is when it comes to something as basic as being able to afford food... It is so sad!!! WFEN


call 911

But it does prove that even the family that was shown with the most vegetables, and very little snack food still had 2 children that were obese. Makes you wonder -


New Member
I'd have to compare myself with Italy, but wish I could be like Egypt. I could totally live on that. I should go there and get some pointers. Thanks for posting the article! :D

Yay! I found the smilies!!!