What happens to the teeth?


Well-Known Member
In France, a mouse comes to take children's fallen baby teeth and leave a coin in its stead; in Britain (and America I think?) it is the tooth fairy. J, who asks good questions, asked tonight what happens to all the teeth the mice and fairies collect... Do you happen to know? :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think we are privy to that information. The Tooth Fairy has magical powers and I would assume the rodent from France likely does also. Humans do not have magical powers and therefore we can only guess. Perhaps the teeth are turned into gold by use of a magic wand. That would likely be my guess. DDD


Well-Known Member
My kids used to have a cute little book; the name of it was just The Tooth Fairy. In it she used the teeth to pave her sidewalk, hang in her windows, collect in jars, etc. etc. I don't remember the author and I don't know if it is still available but it was a cute book.


Well-Known Member
My mom said that the teeth became stars in the sky - new ones, so faint that even the most powerful telescopes can't make them out yet. They will shine down upon the earth in another thousand years or so.


Active Member
Recycle them!! Every new baby born needs baby teeth. The tooth fairy keeps the best ones so brush and floss everyday!!


*laughs* I recall asking my Dad the same thing but I don't remember what he told me!