What is your favorite "curse"?


Well-Known Member
Ok... we've gotta keep this light and clean, but...

I got really mad last night about something, and a favorite old "curse" came to mind.
Mine's getting a bit threadbare from overuse, so I wouldn't mind a few good ones to add to the arsenal.

Here's mine:

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.


Shooting from the Hip
"I hope your children are just like you! ...OK... That's actually a hex. But...

I don't curse people... I'll be reading this for ideas!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh, you mean like evil eye curses. I saw the title and was going to say my favorite is .... a certain word lol.
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Well-Known Member
Crazy - I mean stuff we can use in place of... standard (and non-standard)

I like taking these and twisting them around... so, when someone is trying to manipulate me into doing something I don't have on MY agenda... I've been known to say ... "I'd rather have my armpits infested with the fleas of a thousand camels." It does tend to get the message across... but I haven't used a single off-color word, or even hinted at such.

But I need some new ones...


Well-Known Member
IC, you might enjoy this. It's a random Shakespearian Insult generator:

Shakespearean Insulter

Here are a few samples:
Thou currish dizzy-eyed harpy!
Thou crusty botch of nature!
What, you egg! Young fry of treachery! (this one is actually a line from Macbeth)

Or, if you'd prefer to construct your own, here are the lists on which the generator is based. Simply pick one word from each column, add a "Thou" at the beginning, and you're good to go.

Shakespeare Insult Kit

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Well-Known Member
Sorry, can't contribute. I never curse. on the other hand once or twice a year I do cuss and am not ladylike when I do it.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
These are more like insults rather than curses, aren't they? Guess I'm not good at curses without my candles and broom...☺

Here are a few....

-I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

-You are about as deep as your reflection in a mirror.

-Has your career got the day off?

-You should not be allowed to breed

-You are depriving a village somewhere of an idiot

-Your so dense, light must bend around you

-Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

-If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Can't take credit for any of them, but I've used a few...
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Well-Known Member
I also assumed you were looking for a favorite curse word. I am amazed that you have managed to never say an off color word but good for you. My oldest is like that too. He never utters profanities in a public setting but has admitted that they may slip his lips in private.

Now Tony's grandmother knew root workers who could actually put real curses on you down here but since she is dead now and I dont like to get into those things, I wouldnt know any of those.


New Member
It's not a curse, but something I've been known to say to my difficult child...."people like you are the reason that people like me need medication!"


Active Member
When asked about something I really would hate to do: I'd rather be trapped in a room with a dozen kids with no sleep going through the terrible twos.


Shooting from the Hip
I'd rather be trapped in a room with a dozen kids with no sleep going through the terrible twos... Than live with my daughter.

Oh, yeah. Fun. Light... Umm...


Active Member
Another one I don't really use but at times wish I could: some people were dropped on their heads as children. You were clearly thrown at the wall.


Active Member
This is a little off target and I swear I quit saying this after I realized that some lunatics would actually say this to their kid and mean it, but I used to love to tell difficult child the old Bill Cosby line- "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

Little did I know.


Active Member
The camels and fleas one came from M*A*S*H, I think. Klinger had a lot of great curses!

My favourite Aussie one is "I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down."

"chooks" = hens.

"dunny" = outhouse, toilet.

A fun line I heard the other week - "Save your breath, you'll need it to inflate your next date."
