Whitney Houston dead at 48.


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The cause is not known yet but she has struggled with addiction for years. I have a feeling that it was an overdose.

I always loved her voice. RIP, Whitney.


Shooting from the Hip
I was so shocked when I saw someone post this on facebook I went looking, it's so soon it's not even on CNN yet.

I loved her music early on, lost my taste for it later but she was definitely a shooting star... RIP, Whitney.


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They don't think it can happen to them. My difficult child would also argue that we don't know that drugs killed her which is true but I think the chances are pretty high.


Well-Known Member
From the reports it says the last time she was seen in public Thursday she was beligerant and rumors were that she was back on drugs.



I just saw this... and my first though also was I wish our difficult children would see this and somehow get it!!!!



Well-Known Member
This is so sad, she was in the best rehab centers that money can buy and she still kept relapsing over and over. I just saw her on Oprah last year and she claimed she was clean and sober and was living for her daughter now and she sang and said she was coming back. Even Oprah believed her.

So what does this mean for our difficult children? Is there any hope for them?



There is always hope. And our difficult child's had good upbringings and strong family values. Plus they are not in an industry rife with drug use. And Whitney was surrounded by enablers.

I know more than a few young addicts who got clean in their early 20s and never used again. Yes, most were alcoholics but I am not sure that is a lesser evil/addiction. One of my best friends was a raging alcoholic who got clean at 17 has been sober since. She's 44 and an amazing woman.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you have seen success. I really haven't seen that much. I've seen nine young people die since last April that difficult child met in AA meetings. Just last week another young man died, 24 years old, relapsed after rehab. I'm sure there's hope, just not feeling it much right now. I always thought Whitney came from a good family with good values but as we know that really doesn't matter when drugs are concerned.

I have always loved Whitney Houston and thought she was incredibly talented.



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Plus they are not in an industry rife with drug use. And Whitney was surrounded by enablers.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Yes, she could afford expensive rehab centers, but she could also afford unlimited drugs and alcohol and pay people to get them for her.

Our kids might actually have a better chance than she did.


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I was just watching CNN and Piers Morgan was talking to Simon Cowell and Simon pretty much just came out and put the blame for her downfall on Bobby Brown. He said in retrospect people wished they could have kept her from meeting that one person in her life and then Piers Morgan pointed to a picture of her with Bobby Brown.

Of course, she made the choice to use the drugs even if he started her down that path. I like a comment made on one of the websites that I was reading . . . Whitney was another person lost to the chains of addiction.
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Agreed about the enablers. Think it is harder on ppl like that.

I remember being pregnant with difficult child when she was pregnant with her daughter. God bless Bobbi Christina.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be nice, TL, if our difficult child's actually could "see" lessons from others mistakes. Don't think so. It just has to be based on personal conviction or determination. Saldy many difficult children, like mine, are not strong people. In fact it's my personal belief that the substance abuse sucks away their prior strengths as they can avoid "real" feelings in their addictive stupors or states. Sigh.

I'm saddened that another major talent is dead. I just loved her voice. on the other hand it's rather amazing that their are similarities to our difficult child's who are not on the same economic level. What triggered addiction may greatly vary but all of them have had enabling EF's. Guess there's not much difference between some neighborhood punk or derailed schoolmate and high profile Bobby Brown. Guess there's not much difference between living in Neverland and living in rural America. Addiction is addiction. Families mourn.
Such a waste. DDD


You know I was thinking about it this morning.... It is so hard for me to understand how someone who is at the top career wise, is so successful, has money, success etc. gets ravaged by drugs. And yet it has happened to many stars.... not sure what the draw is there? Does it just start out as fun... and then they have whatever internal thing that makes you addicted? And of course with money and connections you have lots of access to drugs.

It is just hard for me to understand.... but I guess if the stars do it, it should not surprise me that our difficult children struggle with addiction too.

I am just beginning to just hate drugs.


Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
One of the cable news channels last night had an addiction specialist who put it succinctly: he said many people with a latent tendency toward substance abuse try something "just for fun." Then, the person thinks they can control IT, but IT controls them. He said the only solution from that point forward is total abstinence, but every cell in their brain rejects that thought. That's why it takes almost impossible fortitude on their part to stop. They just can't fathom stopping forever.
It was reported that Whitney earned over 100 Million dollars in the course of her career; she died broke unfortunately. Clive Davis, the founder of Arista Records and a longtime benefactor, has been supporting her recently. Isn't that unbelievable? My son spent $2800 in 6 weeks, which I think is scandalous, but isn't it the same thing, just on a different scale? Whatever they have, they spend.


Well-Known Member
It's hard for me to understand too and it makes me sad because I wanted to hope she could overcome this, if anyone could I hoped she could and if she can't what does that say about drug addiction. If it turns out that she died from prescription drugs does that mean that even if you recover from street drugs the chances of turning to legal drugs is great? And that just points out even more that our difficult children have to stay away from all addicting prescription drugs too, even if they have never had a problem with them.

I feel that drugs are so difficult to recover from and I'm feeling very discouraged.



Roll With It
This is just so sad, so tragic, esp for her family. NOT meaning Bobby Brown, but the rest of her loved ones.

There IS hope for anyone who is addicted. IF my bro could get clean/sober then ANYONE can. It isn't easy, and it isn't fast, but it IS possible.

I hope and pray that Whitney's death makes someone see what they are dealing with and helps them make the choice to get clean and sober and into recovery. I also hope it helps the rest of us who share life with them to stop enabling them and to help them live with the consequences of their substance abuse until they hit bottom and choose recovery. I wish there was more we could do, and that it was less painful for us as the addict goes through this process. Sadly the things that make it easier on us (making sure they have a place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to wear, medications if needed, etc...) also make it harder for the addict to actually hit bottom.

Addiction is the true plague, in my opinion.