Yankee game


Well-Known Member
Anybody else see the Yankee game tonight? There was a swarm of gnats that came in during the 7th inning. It is amazing. They are swarming the players, being attracted to their sweat!



Former desparate mom
We are watching it. Yuck. It's amazing how focused the players must be. I would be itching and squirming the whole time.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen that. I've seen them be attacked by swarms of moths and bats and even birds, but never gnats!

Sorry I missed it!


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah we ordered them special!!!!!!

Not only am I watching it but husband and easy child are there in a loge.


P.S. the bugs come every year, hatched early this year because of the warm weather. It's 80 outside.


Well-Known Member
We been switching back & forth between hockey and baseball... saw the swarm. Yuck! That's what happens when you play ball on a warm evening so close to Lake Erie!