You know you're a Warrior Mom/Dad When...


New Member
When you can't get a babysitter. Not because of the younger kids, but because of the older kid.

Ain't that the truth.

Or when you can't get a sitter for any of your children because no matter where they are they act like terrors.


Well-Known Member
What an awesome thread! Each post I read explains why our family is united. What a life! DDD

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
when you redefine the terms of an emergency. I went from a fever/vomiting to loss of limb or profuse bleeding in 1 year flat.


Well-Known Member
These are great. The one that still gets me is the police. My stomach still goes into knots if I see them around my place and heaven help me, if they pull into my yard.


Active Member
Me too Janet. I am a basket case every time I see a cop car - let alone see one in my neighborhood. When I do I am sure it has something to do with Matt. I seriously have to talk myself through how that is impossible, since does not live with me anymore. Still.


New Member
When there is no 'lack of sleep' anymore. You've gotten use to living on the bare minimum (if that).


Active Member
When psychiatrist does not explain a medication to you, they ask if you have heard of out and you explain it in detail.

Or when a new medication is prescribed and you are at the pharmacy picking it up and the call for the pharmacist to come out for"counsel" amd the pharmacist looks at you and asks if you have questions, and when you say no? They smile and go back to work.

Or when the phrase i'm bored terrifies you.....what is he going to think of this time?


When you go to pick up medications and the pharmacist asks "only one this time?"


Well-Known Member
When you go to pick up medications and the pharmacist asks "only one this time?"
Or when you haven't picked any up in two weeks... and the pharmacist sees you walking by and calls you over, worried that the kids aren't getting their medications for some reason?

(hadn't picked up any in two weeks because we were finally getting some of the scripts to be due at the same time!)

You also know you're a warrier parent when you have to spend an hour every weekend, counting out pills into "daily pill sorter" boxes just so YOU can keep it all straight.


New Member
When you have poison control on speed dial, locks on almost everything, and know the ER staff by name. And this all seems normal to you!


When the doctor suggests a medication, you counter-offer with a different one the doctor isn't too familiar with, but they agree anyway and later agree you were right.


New Member
When your brain is so fried that you can't think of a single "you know you're a Warrior Mom/Dad when....." statement but agree with all the ones already posted.