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  1. W

    Interagency Serivice Coordination meeting, how to be prepared

    A very honest social worker at the Department of Developmental Disabilities told me the purpose of this meeting is to get everyone in the same room to convince me that they'll give my family the moon and stars if I just agree not to abandon difficult child to the dept. of children's services. difficult child has been...
  2. W

    Symmetrel? Anyone heard using this as a mood stabilizer?

    They put difficult child on it this morning as an additional mood stablizer to go along with the 300mgs of Trileptal 2x a day. He's been manic the whole time he's been in hospital.
  3. W

    How do you keep feeling love after they cross the line?

    Thursday morning I found my difficult child suffocating our cat. Thankfully I caught him in time, but he was laying on the cat, all 100lbs of him, and the cat clearly would have died if I hadn't found him. He laughed when I screamed for him to stop. He is now on psychiatric stay #7, where they will tweak his medications...
  4. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  5. W

    How do you keep loving them?

    How do you go back to being a loving, affectionate parent after they start hurting the family pets and laughing about it? I think I've reached a personal limit, and that I'm not capable of loving him anymore. The lying and stealing I've dealt with and dealt with, but trying to suffocate the...
  6. W

    New anxiety issue at school, advice needed.

    difficult child is now in the third grade, and they are starting to teach some basic biology, like what your bones do, your lungs, basically the high points of what each major system does in your body. The problem is that this is causing difficult child major, major anxiety. The diagram of the muscles in his textbook...
  7. W

    Sabotaging his own discharge?

    difficult child is 9 now, and has been in a sub acute program in the psychiatric hospital since November. Many medication changes later he had been very stable for the last few weeks and they were planning to discharge him last week. So after hearing that he'll come home on Wednesday, he starts to act out again, flooding the...
  8. W

    Sad revelation about difficult child's progress

    My difficult child will be nine in a couple of months. Back in January we hit a climax; he was so violent, so dangerous, that I was honestly considering letting myself be arrested for child abandonment so the state would take custody of him. His psychiatrist put him on 400mg Seroquel, which he thought would sedate...
  9. W

    My god, the things they say sometimes...

    Yesterday while grocery shopping difficult child begged for all sorts of foods we don't normally buy, like bagel and hummus and mangos, potato chips and cheetos. I relented and bought a box of Little Debbies. So last night while he's eating one after dinner, he asks me to buy him a new bike. I tell him we...
  10. W

    How do you survive a child that doesn't sleep?

    difficult child is on the following medications: Seroquel 400mg (100 am, 100 lunch, 200pm), Adderal 20mg XR (am), and Depakote 750mg (250 am, 250 lunch, 250pm). We've been titrating the Seroquel up for a couple of months, started at 25 mgs, and didn't see any difference until we hit 400. His aggression at home is...
  11. W

    New here, with a post about safe playtime for kids

    Hello, this is my first time posting here. My son is 8 years old, and has MR with an IQ of about 70, ADHD, ODD, Bipolar 2, and other diagnonsises that his psychiatrist calls "multi-dimensional development delays". He's on Seroquel 400mg, Depakote 750mg and Adderral 20mg XR. In the past he's been on...