
  1. S

    Need some advice please

    difficult child is having such a hard time in the morning getting moving. I had to threaten taking away riding lessons today to get her up. She is near tears every morning. She just keeps repeating that she just can't do it, that it is just too much. But, when we try to make things easier on her like...
  2. Malika


    Can I just share how I'm feeling without getting messages about how I'm making a mistake or being foolish or whatever? :) Well, I can't stop you saying whatever you like but I'm just saying I'd prefer just to share how it is for me... And I don't mean to step on any toes or belittle anyone...
  3. C

    Throwing up morning medications? any ideas?

    this is bizarre, i know, but i'm hoping someone has some idea for us. difficult child 2 throws up morning medications more often than i care to deal with. she takes focalin, fish oil, vitamin D and sometimes a multivitamin gummi. she has been taking pills forever and doesnt have the problem at night. it doesnt...
  4. C


    Hi, New here and first post. I have a very angry 10 year old daughter. I don't want to get into all the details surrounding the root of her problems but to make a long story short. The divorce of me and her father and her fathers suicide has added fuel to the fire. She is disrespectful...
  5. llamafarm

    Called the police for the second time

    Ughh. A rough afternoon. Not even over yet. School out at 2:30. Called the police at 3:00 for the hitting, throwing, slamming, yelling, general unruliness. difficult child asleep by 3:05 and the police arrived at 3:20. The officers were very understanding, even pointing out that if it was better that...
  6. F

    Help with defiant 13-yr-old daughter

    My wife and I are trying to figure out how to help our 13-yr-old difficult child, fostered since 2 days old, adopted at 3. Mom drank during pregnancy. No confirmed diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)/Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), but all the signs are there, shared by birth brother, also our difficult child (15 yrs). Other kids in picture: 9-yr-old difficult child boy, also...
  7. T

    Is he ready yet?

    So I had to put my 10 year old difficult child back into treatment at a residential facitlity. They are trying to wean him off the celexa with the thought that it is overstimulating him. Now he's calling four times a day saying how much he misses home and cries. The last time I took him off of the celexa...
  8. B

    difficult child Is So Mad At Me!

    Our kids have off for this whole week. Mid winter recess they call it. I call it a waste of a week, but what do I know? easy child wanted to go to sports camp for the whole week (M - F, 9am - 3pm) so he gets out of the house, away from his brother, and is happy and busy. difficult child? Not so much. He's ******...
  9. P-nut2004

    Need medication advice!

    Ok so I've been doing some research online on difficult children medications (concerta, risperdal & zoloft) and I think I'm more confused now than I was when I started. Concerta info says it should not be given to ADHD kids with anxiety, which difficult child is diagnosis'd with and has serious issues with. Zoloft says it is only...
  10. JJJ

    Eeyore raging

    Eeyore came home and started raging cause his legos weren't in his room. I had taken them because I needed to make a model of a project that I am building this weekend. I had told him last week that I would need to use them when I had time but he clearly doesn't remember that conversation. His...
  11. S

    having a hard time with difficult child

    She was sick, and I took her to the Dr. And... the hypochondria starts. We had to go and get a chest xray because she kept saying that her chest hurts when she breathes. X ray is clear of course. We have missed days of school. Not good for a child that avoids to begin with. I was so fed up...
  12. B

    Question for Parents of ODC Kids

    Good morning! I was wondering if I could pick your brains, please. My difficult child, who is 11, was diagnosed over the summer with general anxiety disorder and ODD. I had him seem by a psychiatrist about two years ago and he said that he thought difficult child had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). At the time I thought he was too young for medications...
  13. L

    Looking for support/ideas

    Hi, this is my first time posting. I have 2 boys - difficult child 1 who is 13, ADHD, but pretty stable and easy to deal with. Then I have difficult child 2 who is 10 and has been difficult from the get-go. He has all the classic behaviors that would define ODD. Have been seeing psychologists off and on since 1st grade...
  14. B

    difficult child Has psychiatrist Appointment This Afternoon

    This is the first time that I'm going into an appointment with the idea of telling the doctor that I want his medications increased. At least the risperdal. He has been so bad over the last month or two. Rude. Nasty. LOTS of name calling, especially towards easy child. I could cope with it if it were...
  15. C

    Punishments: What works/what doesnt?

    So it seems a lot of you have difficult child's that don't learn from their mistakes with any kind of consequence, natural or otherwise. So what punishment does work? If you can't find anything that works what do you do? I mean, do you just keep doing the same thing over and over again hoping that one...
  16. I

    Newby with 32 yr old sociopathic daughter

    Hello My daughter is 32, with a 2 yr old. She recently moved back in with us as she left the baby daddy due to abuse he perpetrated on her. My only child, we have had a difficult time with her since day one. Recently she disclosed to me the first time she remembers staing was in kindergarten...
  17. H

    Kiddo's bad medication reactions, we looking at this again?

    Okay, so some of you kind of have an idea of what I go through with my difficult child. She reads meaning into things that aren't there and then blows up. She had the suicidal thoughts/rages reaction to both Celexa and Risperdal, and some kind of foot pain thing going on with them, too. Last night the foot...
  18. S

    Back to school tomorrow

    difficult child heads back to school tomorrow. And, I should be excited. Instead I am filled with dread. The battle to get her up and out the door to school every.single.day begins again. I hate it. I am hoping that with the new year we will have a better track record. I am trying so hard to be...
  19. S

    Emergency psychiatrist appointment today

    And difficult child starts the partial hospitalization program tomorrow. Please pray pretzel or whatever you do that this will be what she needs. I am at my wits end and cinnot take much more of it. I asked for her to be hospitalized, but the psychiatrist refused. She doesn't believe that it is a medication issue...
  20. R

    Jumping in here, hoping for some advice

    Hi All, I only recently found this board and I think it's going to be a godsend for me, so thank you for being here! I would love some advice on how to proceed from here with my 7yo daughter. Sorry I don't have a signature yet, I will work on that! So let's see. Besides being a sort of cranky...